MCU_LPC1768 Target Family Info
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Features Supported
Peripheral Drivers Supported
: Controller Area Network (CAN) peripheral driver
I2C Controller/Master
: I2C driver for synchronous (blocking) controller/master mode
I2C Peripheral/Slave
: I2C for interrupt-based peripheral/slave mode
: Support for sending the processor to sleep when no threads/ISRs are executing.
Flash IAP
: Driver allowing In-Application Programming (IAP) of the MCU flash memory.
Analog Outputs
: Analog output (DAC) peripheral driver
: Real-Time Clock. Clock which keeps track of real world time, usually using a low frequency, accurate clock.
SPI Peripheral/Slave
: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) device/slave mode
Serial (UART)
: Support for buffered and unbuffered serial (UART) ports
USB Device
: USB Device peripheral. Allows the Mbed target to act as a USB device when connected to a host computer.
SPI Controller/Master
: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller/master mode
: Peripheral which resets the chip if software doesn't service it within a configurable amount of time. Used to guard against software hangs.
Semihost Debug Aware
: Target supports awareness of whether semihost is attached
μs Ticker
: Clock peripheral with at least microsecond resolution that Mbed uses to implement Timer and Ticker.
Serial RTS/CTS Flow Control
: Serial (UART) peripheral supports using RTS and/or CTS pins for hardware flow control.
Memory Protection Unit
: Mbed supports configuring the MPU on this device to disable writing to ROM and executing from RAM.
GPIO Interrupts
: GPIO input pin interrupt support
: Driver for using an entire GPIO port as a bidirectional I/O port.
Analog Inputs
: Analog input (ADC) peripheral driver
: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generator peripheral driver
Ethernet MAC
: Ethernet MAC peripheral driver. Combine the MAC with a PHY chip to connect to Ethernet networks.
GPIO Port Output
: Driver for writing to an entire GPIO port at a time
Reset Reason
: Support for determining the cause of the most recent MCU reset.
GPIO Port Input
: Driver for reading from an entire GPIO port at a time
Boards in this Target Family
MCU Part Number
Extra Features
Extra Peripheral Drivers
RAM Banks
Flash Banks
IRAM1: 32 kiB
IRAM2: 32 kiB
IROM1: 512 kiB
IRAM1: 32 kiB
IRAM2: 32 kiB
IROM1: 512 kiB
Inheritance Graph