Back to test-mbed-platform-system-reset Results ^
Target: KL25Z
Test: test-mbed-platform-system-reset
Test Case: test-mbed-platform-system-reset
[1/3] Building CXX object platform/tests/TESTS/mbed_platform/system_reset/CMakeFiles/test-mbed-platform-system-reset.dir/main.cpp.obj
[2/3] Linking CXX executable platform\tests\TESTS\mbed_platform\system_reset\test-mbed-platform-system-reset.elf
-- built: J:/Mbed/mbed-os/cmake-build-develop-kl25z/platform/tests/TESTS/mbed_platform/system_reset/test-mbed-platform-system-reset.bin
-- built: J:/Mbed/mbed-os/cmake-build-develop-kl25z/platform/tests/TESTS/mbed_platform/system_reset/test-mbed-platform-system-reset.hex
| Module | .text | .data | .bss |
| CMakeFiles\mbed-baremetal.dir | 13349(+13349) | 268(+268) | 436(+436) |
| [fill] | 47(+47) | 15(+15) | 17(+17) |
| [lib]\c_nano.a | 4687(+4687) | 92(+92) | 329(+329) |
| [lib]\client_userio.a | 1735(+1735) | 52(+52) | 8(+8) |
| [lib]\gcc.a | 7932(+7932) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) |
| [lib]\mbed-greentea-io.a | 58(+58) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) |
| [lib]\mbed-unity.a | 898(+898) | 0(+0) | 224(+224) |
| [lib]\mbed-utest.a | 2451(+2451) | 1(+1) | 80(+80) |
| [lib]\misc | 308(+308) | 12(+12) | 25(+25) |
| platform\tests | 179(+179) | 0(+0) | 34(+34) |
| Subtotals | 31644(+31644) | 440(+440) | 1153(+1153) |
Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): 1593(+1593) bytes
Total Flash memory (text + data): 32084(+32084) bytes
RAM Bank IRAM1: 1721(+0)/16384 bytes used, 10.5% (+0.0%) used
ROM Bank IROM1: 32356(+0)/131072 bytes used, 24.7% (+0.0%) used
[3/3] Flashing test-mbed-platform-system-reset with LinkServer...
INFO: Exact match for MKL25Z4:FRDM-KL25Z found
INFO: Selected device MKL25Z128xxx4:FRDM-KL25Z
INFO: Getting available probes
INFO: Selecting probe by serial substring
INFO: Selected probe #1 0200000034544e45001700038e38000b5a91000097969900 (CMSIS-DAP)
Ns: LinkServer RedlinkMulti Driver v24.12 (Dec 18 2024 18:34:07 - crt_emu_cm_redlink.exe build 869)
Pc: ( 0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Nc: Found generic directory XML file in C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Local\Temp\tmphto9ijdp\crt_directory.xml
Pc: ( 5) Remote configuration complete
Nc: Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Wc: ============= SCRIPT: kinetisconnect.scp =============
Wc: Kinetis Connect Script
Wc: Connecting to Probe Index = 1
Wc: This probe = 1
Wc: This TAP = 0
Wc: This core = 0
Wc: DpID = 0BC11477
Wc: Assert NRESET
Wc: Reset pin state: 00
Wc: Power up Debug
Wc: MDM-AP APID: 0x001C0020
Wc: MDM-AP System Reset/Hold Reset/Debug Request
Wc: MDM-AP Control: 0x0000001C
Wc: MDM-AP Status (Flash Ready) : 0x00000032
Wc: Part is not secured
Wc: MDM-AP Control: 0x00000014
Wc: Release NRESET
Wc: Reset pin state: 01
Wc: MDM-AP Control (Debug Request): 0x00000004
Wc: MDM-AP Status: 0x0001003A
Wc: MDM-AP Core Halted
Wc: ============= END SCRIPT =============================
Nc: Probe Firmware: CMSIS-DAP (ARM)
Nc: Serial Number: 0200000034544e45001700038e38000b5a91000097969900
Nc: VID:PID: 0D28:0204
Nc: USB Path: \\?\hid#vid_0d28&pid_0204&mi_03#a&3108123d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Nc: Using memory from core 0 after searching for a good core
Pc: ( 30) Emulator Connected
Pc: ( 40) Debug Halt
Pc: ( 50) CPU ID
Nc: debug interface type = CoreSight DP (DAP DP ID 0BC11477) over SWD TAP 0
Nc: processor type = Cortex-M0+ (CPU ID 00000C60) on DAP AP 0
Nc: number of h/w breakpoints = 2
Nc: number of flash patches = 0
Nc: number of h/w watchpoints = 2
Nc: Probe(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 0BC11477. CpuID: 00000C60. Info:
Nc: Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
Ns: Content of CoreSight Debug ROM(s):
Nc: RBASE F0002000: CID B105100D PID 000008E000 ROM (type 0x1)
Nc: ROM 1 F0000000: CID B105900D PID 04000BB932 CSt ARM MTB type 0x31 Trace Sink - Basic trace router
Nc: ROM 1 F0001000: CID B105900D PID 000008E000 CSt MTBDWT type 0x4 Debug Control - Other
Nc: ROM 1 E00FF000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C0 ROM (type 0x1)
Nc: ROM 4 E000E000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB008 Gen SCS (type 0x0)
Nc: ROM 4 E0001000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00A Gen DWT (type 0x0)
Nc: ROM 4 E0002000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00B Gen FPB (type 0x0)
Nc: NXP: MKL25Z128xxx4
Nc: DAP stride is 1024 bytes (256 words)
Nc: Inspected v.2 On chip Flash memory module FTFA_1K.cfx
Nc: Image 'SemiGeneric Dec 18 2024 17:19:52'
Nc: Opening flash driver FTFA_1K.cfx
Nc: VECTRESET requested, but not supported on ARMv6-M CPUs. Using SOFTRESET instead.
Nc: Using SOFT reset to run the flash driver
Nc: Flash variant 'KL25 FTFA Generic 1K' detected (128KB = 128*1K at 0x0)
Nc: Closing flash driver FTFA_1K.cfx
Pc: ( 65) Chip Setup Complete
Pc: ( 70) License Check Complete
Nt: Loading 'test-mbed-platform-system-reset.bin' Binary 0x00000000 len 0xAFC0
Nc: Opening flash driver FTFA_1K.cfx (already resident)
Nc: VECTRESET requested, but not supported on ARMv6-M CPUs. Using SOFTRESET instead.
Nc: Using SOFT reset to run the flash driver
Nc: Flash variant 'KL25 FTFA Generic 1K' detected (128KB = 128*1K at 0x0)
Pb: 1 of 1 ( 0) Writing sectors 0-43 at 0x00000000 with 44992 bytes
Ps: ( 0) at 00000000: 0 bytes - 0/44992
Ps: ( 2) at 00000000: 1024 bytes - 1024/44992
Nc: 00000400 done 2% (1024 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 4) at 00000400: 1024 bytes - 2048/44992
Nc: 00000800 done 4% (2048 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 6) at 00000800: 1024 bytes - 3072/44992
Nc: 00000C00 done 6% (3072 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 9) at 00000C00: 1024 bytes - 4096/44992
Nc: 00001000 done 9% (4096 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 11) at 00001000: 1024 bytes - 5120/44992
Nc: 00001400 done 11% (5120 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 13) at 00001400: 1024 bytes - 6144/44992
Nc: 00001800 done 13% (6144 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 15) at 00001800: 1024 bytes - 7168/44992
Nc: 00001C00 done 15% (7168 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 18) at 00001C00: 1024 bytes - 8192/44992
Nc: 00002000 done 18% (8192 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 20) at 00002000: 1024 bytes - 9216/44992
Nc: 00002400 done 20% (9216 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 22) at 00002400: 1024 bytes - 10240/44992
Nc: 00002800 done 22% (10240 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 25) at 00002800: 1024 bytes - 11264/44992
Nc: 00002C00 done 25% (11264 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 27) at 00002C00: 1024 bytes - 12288/44992
Nc: 00003000 done 27% (12288 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 29) at 00003000: 1024 bytes - 13312/44992
Nc: 00003400 done 29% (13312 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 31) at 00003400: 1024 bytes - 14336/44992
Nc: 00003800 done 31% (14336 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 34) at 00003800: 1024 bytes - 15360/44992
Nc: 00003C00 done 34% (15360 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 36) at 00003C00: 1024 bytes - 16384/44992
Nc: 00004000 done 36% (16384 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 38) at 00004000: 1024 bytes - 17408/44992
Nc: 00004400 done 38% (17408 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 40) at 00004400: 1024 bytes - 18432/44992
Nc: 00004800 done 40% (18432 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 43) at 00004800: 1024 bytes - 19456/44992
Nc: 00004C00 done 43% (19456 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 45) at 00004C00: 1024 bytes - 20480/44992
Nc: 00005000 done 45% (20480 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 47) at 00005000: 1024 bytes - 21504/44992
Nc: 00005400 done 47% (21504 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 50) at 00005400: 1024 bytes - 22528/44992
Nc: 00005800 done 50% (22528 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 52) at 00005800: 1024 bytes - 23552/44992
Nc: 00005C00 done 52% (23552 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 54) at 00005C00: 1024 bytes - 24576/44992
Nc: 00006000 done 54% (24576 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 56) at 00006000: 1024 bytes - 25600/44992
Nc: 00006400 done 56% (25600 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 59) at 00006400: 1024 bytes - 26624/44992
Nc: 00006800 done 59% (26624 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 61) at 00006800: 1024 bytes - 27648/44992
Nc: 00006C00 done 61% (27648 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 63) at 00006C00: 1024 bytes - 28672/44992
Nc: 00007000 done 63% (28672 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 66) at 00007000: 1024 bytes - 29696/44992
Nc: 00007400 done 66% (29696 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 68) at 00007400: 1024 bytes - 30720/44992
Nc: 00007800 done 68% (30720 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 70) at 00007800: 1024 bytes - 31744/44992
Nc: 00007C00 done 70% (31744 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 72) at 00007C00: 1024 bytes - 32768/44992
Nc: 00008000 done 72% (32768 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 75) at 00008000: 1024 bytes - 33792/44992
Nc: 00008400 done 75% (33792 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 77) at 00008400: 1024 bytes - 34816/44992
Nc: 00008800 done 77% (34816 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 79) at 00008800: 1024 bytes - 35840/44992
Nc: 00008C00 done 79% (35840 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 81) at 00008C00: 1024 bytes - 36864/44992
Nc: 00009000 done 81% (36864 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 84) at 00009000: 1024 bytes - 37888/44992
Nc: 00009400 done 84% (37888 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 86) at 00009400: 1024 bytes - 38912/44992
Nc: 00009800 done 86% (38912 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 88) at 00009800: 1024 bytes - 39936/44992
Nc: 00009C00 done 88% (39936 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 91) at 00009C00: 1024 bytes - 40960/44992
Nc: 0000A000 done 91% (40960 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 93) at 0000A000: 1024 bytes - 41984/44992
Nc: 0000A400 done 93% (41984 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 95) at 0000A400: 1024 bytes - 43008/44992
Nc: 0000A800 done 95% (43008 out of 44992)
Ps: ( 97) at 0000A800: 1024 bytes - 44032/44992
Ps: (100) at 0000AC00: 1024 bytes - 45056/44992
Nc: 0000B000 done 100% (45056 out of 44992)
Nc: Sectors written: 43, unchanged: 1, total: 44
Nc: Closing flash driver FTFA_1K.cfx
Pb: (100) Finished writing Flash successfully.
Nt: Loaded 0xAFC0 bytes in 4591ms (about 9kB/s)
Nt: Reset target (system)
Nc: Starting execution using system reset
Executing: J:/Mbed/mbed-os/venv/Scripts/python.exe -m mbed_host_tests.mbedhtrun --skip-flashing -p COM9 --skip-reset -e J:/Mbed/mbed-os/platform/tests/TESTS/host_tests -m KL25Z --baud-rate=115200
[+506ms][HTST][INF] host test executor ver. 0.0.16
[+506ms][HTST][INF] copy image onto target... SKIPPED!
[+508ms][HTST][INF] starting host test process...
[+472ms][CONN][INF] starting connection process...
[+473ms][CONN][INF] notify event queue about extra 60 sec timeout for serial port pooling
[+473ms][CONN][INF] initializing serial port listener...
[+473ms][SERI][INF] using specified port 'COM9'
[+473ms][SERI][INF] serial(port=COM9, baudrate=115200, read_timeout=0.01, write_timeout=5)
[+1029ms][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 60 sec
[+498ms][SERI][TXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+498ms][CONN][INF] sending up to 2 __sync packets (specified with --sync=2)
[+498ms][CONN][INF] sending preamble '7a23cdfc-6cc7-47cc-9ce4-4fa904d7b2e8'
[+499ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;7a23cdfc-6cc7-47cc-9ce4-4fa904d7b2e8}}
[+519ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+519ms][CONN][INF] found SYNC in stream: {{__sync;7a23cdfc-6cc7-47cc-9ce4-4fa904d7b2e8}} it is #0 sent, queued...
[+519ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+519ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;30}}, queued...
[+1076ms][HTST][INF] sync KV found, uuid=7a23cdfc-6cc7-47cc-9ce4-4fa904d7b2e8, timestamp=1738172488.279231
[+1076ms][HTST][INF] DUT greentea-client version: 1.3.0
[+1076ms][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 30 sec
[+530ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;system_reset}}, queued...
[+530ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0}}, queued...
[+1086ms][HTST][INF] host test class: ''
[+1086ms][HTST][INF] host test setup() call...
[+1086ms][HTST][INF] CALLBACKs updated
[+1086ms][HTST][INF] host test detected: system_reset
[+541ms][SERI][TXD] {{reset;0}}
[+1540ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;0}}
[+1550ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+1550ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__sync;0}}, queued...
[+1550ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+1550ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;30}}, queued...
[+2107ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__sync;0}}, timestamp=1738172489.310377
[+2107ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__version;1.3.0}}, timestamp=1738172489.310380
[+2107ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__timeout;30}}, timestamp=1738172489.310381
[+1561ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;system_reset}}, queued...
[+1561ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0}}, queued...
[+2117ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__host_test_name;system_reset}}, timestamp=1738172489.320856
[+2118ms][HTST][INF] __notify_complete(True)
[+2118ms][HTST][INF] __exit_event_queue received
[+2118ms][HTST][INF] test suite run finished after 1.04 sec...
[+1571ms][CONN][INF] received special event '__host_test_finished' value='True', finishing
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] CONN exited with code: 0
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] No events in queue
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] stopped consuming events
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] host test result() call skipped, received: True
[+2169ms][HTST][WRN] missing __exit event from DUT
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] calling blocking teardown()
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] teardown() finished
[+2169ms][HTST][INF] {{result;success}}