Back to test-mbed-hal-reset-reason Results ^
Target: LPC1768
Test: test-mbed-hal-reset-reason
Test Case: test-mbed-hal-reset-reason
[1/1] Flashing test-mbed-hal-reset-reason with OpenOCD...
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0+dev-01828-g5233312ea (2025-01-05-08:54)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
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Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "swd". To override use 'transport select '.
adapter speed: 4000 kHz
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter serial' not 'cmsis_dap_serial'
DEPRECATED! use 'gdb port', not 'gdb_port'
Info : CMSIS-DAP: SWD supported
Info : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 1.0
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)
Info : SWCLK/TCK = 0 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 0 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready
Info : clock speed 4000 kHz
Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477
Info : [lpc17xx.cpu] Cortex-M3 r2p0 processor detected
Info : [lpc17xx.cpu] target has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : [lpc17xx.cpu] Examination succeed
Info : [lpc17xx.cpu] gdb port disabled
[lpc17xx.cpu] halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x1fff0080 msp: 0x10001ffc
** Programming Started **
Info : If auto-detection fails for this part, please email, citing part id 0x26013f37.
** Programming Finished **
** Resetting Target **
Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR
Error: [lpc17xx.cpu] DP initialisation failed
shutdown command invoked
Executing: /home/jamie/Mbed/mbed-os/venv/bin/python3 -m mbed_host_tests.mbedhtrun --skip-flashing -p /dev/ttyLPC1768 --skip-reset -e /home/jamie/Mbed/mbed-os/hal/tests/TESTS/host_tests -m LPC1768 --baud-rate=115200
[+334ms][HTST][INF] host test executor ver. 0.0.16
[+334ms][HTST][INF] copy image onto target... SKIPPED!
[+335ms][HTST][INF] starting host test process...
[+338ms][CONN][INF] starting connection process...
[+338ms][CONN][INF] notify event queue about extra 60 sec timeout for serial port pooling
[+338ms][CONN][INF] initializing serial port listener...
[+338ms][SERI][INF] using specified port '/dev/ttyLPC1768'
[+339ms][SERI][INF] serial(port=/dev/ttyLPC1768, baudrate=115200, read_timeout=0.01, write_timeout=5)
[+339ms][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 60 sec
[+339ms][SERI][TXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+339ms][CONN][INF] sending up to 2 __sync packets (specified with --sync=2)
[+339ms][CONN][INF] sending preamble 'c786551c-5a3b-4330-8495-f2e64c2028e6'
[+340ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;c786551c-5a3b-4330-8495-f2e64c2028e6}}
[+360ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+360ms][CONN][INF] found SYNC in stream: {{__sync;c786551c-5a3b-4330-8495-f2e64c2028e6}} it is #0 sent, queued...
[+360ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+360ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;90}}, queued...
[+360ms][HTST][INF] sync KV found, uuid=c786551c-5a3b-4330-8495-f2e64c2028e6, timestamp=1737624529.155642
[+360ms][HTST][INF] DUT greentea-client version: 1.3.0
[+360ms][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 90 sec
[+370ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, queued...
[+370ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0000001a,1}}, queued...
[+370ms][HTST][INF] host test class: ''
[+370ms][HTST][INF] host test setup() call...
[+370ms][HTST][INF] CALLBACKs updated
[+370ms][HTST][INF] host test detected: reset_reason
[+381ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason_raw;get}}
[+391ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason_raw;00000014}}, queued...
[+401ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;get}}
[+411ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;4}}, queued...
[+422ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;clear}}
[+432ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;cleared}}, queued...
[+443ms][SERI][TXD] {{reset;nvic}}
[+454ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reset;ack}}, queued...
[+1457ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;0}}
[+1467ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+1468ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__sync;0}}, queued...
[+1468ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+1468ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;90}}, queued...
[+1468ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__sync;0}}, timestamp=1737624530.262945
[+1469ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__version;1.3.0}}, timestamp=1737624530.262960
[+1469ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__timeout;90}}, timestamp=1737624530.262967
[+1478ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, queued...
[+1478ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0000001a,1}}, queued...
[+1479ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, timestamp=1737624530.273783
[+1489ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason_raw;get}}
[+1500ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason_raw;00000010}}, queued...
[+1510ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;get}}
[+1521ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;3}}, queued...
[+1532ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;clear}}
[+1542ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;cleared}}, queued...
[+1553ms][CONN][INF] received special event '__reset', resetting dut
[+1553ms][SERI][INF] reset device using 'default' plugin...
[+1669ms][SERI][INF] waiting 1.00 sec after reset
[+2669ms][SERI][INF] wait for it...
[+3673ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;0}}
[+3684ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+3684ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__sync;0}}, queued...
[+3684ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+3684ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;90}}, queued...
[+3685ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__sync;0}}, timestamp=1737624532.479309
[+3685ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__version;1.3.0}}, timestamp=1737624532.479323
[+3685ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__timeout;90}}, timestamp=1737624532.479331
[+3695ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, queued...
[+3695ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0000001a,1}}, queued...
[+3696ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, timestamp=1737624532.490360
[+3706ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason_raw;get}}
[+3716ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason_raw;00000002}}, queued...
[+3727ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;get}}
[+3738ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;1}}, queued...
[+3748ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;clear}}
[+3759ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;cleared}}, queued...
[+3770ms][SERI][TXD] {{reset;watchdog}}
[+3780ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reset;ack}}, queued...
[+4785ms][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;0}}
[+4795ms][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
[+4795ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__sync;0}}, queued...
[+4795ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
[+4795ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;90}}, queued...
[+4796ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__sync;0}}, timestamp=1737624533.590643
[+4796ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__version;1.3.0}}, timestamp=1737624533.590649
[+4796ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__timeout;90}}, timestamp=1737624533.590652
[+4806ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, queued...
[+4806ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ready;0000001a,1}}, queued...
[+4806ms][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{__host_test_name;reset_reason}}, timestamp=1737624533.601181
[+4816ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason_raw;get}}
[+4827ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason_raw;00000004}}, queued...
[+4838ms][SERI][TXD] {{reason;get}}
[+4848ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reason;4}}, queued...
[+4849ms][HTST][INF] __notify_complete(True)
[+4850ms][HTST][INF] __exit_event_queue received
[+4850ms][HTST][INF] test suite run finished after 4.49 sec...
[+4859ms][CONN][INF] received special event '__host_test_finished' value='True', finishing
[+4900ms][HTST][INF] CONN exited with code: 0
[+4900ms][HTST][INF] No events in queue
[+4900ms][HTST][INF] stopped consuming events
[+4901ms][HTST][INF] host test result() call skipped, received: True
[+4901ms][HTST][WRN] missing __exit event from DUT
[+4901ms][HTST][INF] calling blocking teardown()
[+4901ms][HTST][INF] teardown() finished
[+4901ms][HTST][INF] {{result;success}}