Back to test-mbed-usb-device-basic Results ^
Target: LPC1768
Test: test-mbed-usb-device-basic
Test Case: endpoint test data toggle reset
{{__testcase_start;endpoint test data toggle reset}}, queued...
[+46205ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{ep_test_data_toggle;0123456789}}, queued...
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 2 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 3 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 4 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 2 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 3 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 4 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 2 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 3 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 4 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 2 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 3 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 4 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 2 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 3 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 4 -- running tests
interface 0, alt 0 -- skipping the default AlternateSetting
interface 0, alt 1 -- running tests
[+47224ms][HTST][INF] TEST FAILED: [/home/jamie/Mbed/mbed-os/drivers/usb/tests/TESTS/host_tests/]:1448, Data toggle not reset when calling ClearFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) on an endpoint that has not been halted.
[+47230ms][SERI][TXD] {{fail;0}}
[+47240ms][CONN][RXD] :425::FAIL: Expected 'pass' Was 'fail'
[+47251ms][CONN][RXD] >>> 'endpoint test data toggle reset': 0 passed, 1 failed with reason 'Assertion Failed'
[+47251ms][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;endpoint test data toggle reset;0;1}}