Test Case Output

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Target: NUCLEO_H723ZG
Test: test-mbed-drivers-lp-timeout
Test Case: Timing drift (attach)

{{__testcase_start;Timing drift (attach)}}, queued...
[1727038845.72][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{timing_drift_check_start;0}}, queued...
[1727038845.73][SERI][TXD] {{base_time;0}}
[1727038845.74][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{base_time;30000}}, queued...
[1727038852.69][HTST][INF] Device base time 30000
[1727038852.69][HTST][INF] sleeping for 6.941127777099609 to measure drift accurately
[1727038852.70][SERI][TXD] {{final_time;0}}
[1727038852.72][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{final_time;6970000}}, queued...
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] Device final time 6970000 
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] Compute host events
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] Transport delay 0: 0.024264097213745117
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] Transport delay 1: 0.023177623748779297
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] DUT base time : 30000.0
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] DUT end time  : 6970000.0
[1727038852.72][HTST][INF] min_pass : 6.648727309703826 , max_pass : 7.29877953529358 for 5.0%%
[1727038852.73][HTST][INF] min_inconclusive : 6.603657674789428 , max_inconclusive : 7.3485933423042304
[1727038852.73][HTST][INF] Time reported by device: 6.94
[1727038852.73][HTST][INF] Test passed !!!
[1727038852.73][SERI][TXD] {{pass;0}}
[1727038852.74][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Timing drift (attach)': 1 passed, 0 failed
[1727038852.74][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Timing drift (attach);1;0}}