Test Case Output

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Target: NUCLEO_L452RE_P
Test: test-testshield-spi-basic
Test Case: Benchmark Async SPI via Interrupts

{{__testcase_start;Benchmark Async SPI via Interrupts}}, queued...
[1725236117.08][CONN][RXD] Transferred 32 bytes @ 100kHz in 880us, with 852us occurring in the background.
[1725236117.09][CONN][RXD] Note: Based on the byte count and frequency, the theoretical best time for this SPI transaction is 2560us
[1725236117.10][CONN][RXD] Note: the above background time does not include overhead from interrupts, which may be significant.
[1725236117.11][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Benchmark Async SPI via Interrupts': 1 passed, 0 failed
[1725236117.11][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Benchmark Async SPI via Interrupts;1;0}}