Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- ca_istrue : mbedtls_x509_crt
- cache_slots : mbedtls_psa_stats_s
- cad_done : radio_events
- callback : transaction_t
- can_do : mbedtls_pk_info_t
- capacity : whitelist_t, psa_storage_info_t
- cca_threshold_table : ws_cca_threshold_table
- certificate_policies : mbedtls_x509_crt
- chacha20_ctx : mbedtls_chachapoly_context
- chain : mbedtls_ssl_cache_context
- channel : loramac_mcps_confirm_t, loramac_mcps_indication_t, loramac_protocol_params, lorawan_rx_metadata, lorawan_tx_metadata, radio_settings, rx_config_params_t
- channel_data_rate : lora_mac_system_params_t
- channel_tx_power : lora_mac_system_params_t
- char_found : serial_t
- char_match : serial_t
- characteristic : CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery::DiscoveryCallbackParams_t, CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery::TerminationCallbackParams_t
- characteristicCallback : ServiceDiscovery
- charHandle : GattUpdatesChangedCallbackParams
- check_pair_func : mbedtls_pk_info_t
- chip_mode : radio_status_t
- chunk : Record
- chunk_size : radio_fsk_packet_handler
- cipher : mbedtls_cipher_base_t
- cipher_ctx : mbedtls_ccm_context, mbedtls_cipher_context_t, mbedtls_gcm_context, mbedtls_nist_kw_context
- cipher_ctx_dec : mbedtls_ssl_transform
- cipher_ctx_enc : mbedtls_ssl_transform
- cipher_info : mbedtls_cipher_context_t
- ciphersuite : mbedtls_ssl_session
- ciphersuite_list : mbedtls_ssl_config
- ciphertext_len : mbedtls_chachapoly_context
- cksum : mbedtls_md2_context
- CLA : C_APDU::C_APDUHeader_t
- clear_interrupt : ticker_interface_t
- cli_exts : mbedtls_ssl_handshake_params
- client_auth : mbedtls_ssl_context
- client_write_iv : mbedtls_ssl_key_set
- client_write_key : mbedtls_ssl_key_set
- clk_modes : spi_capabilities_t
- clock_max_frequency : watchdog_features_t
- clock_typical_frequency : watchdog_features_t
- cmac_ctx : mbedtls_cipher_context_t
- cmd_status : radio_status_t
- coderate : radio_lora_settings
- coding_rate : modulation_params_t
- compiler_id : mbed_stats_sys_t
- compiler_version : mbed_stats_sys_t
- compression : mbedtls_ssl_session
- conf : mbedtls_ssl_context
- connect_type : lorawan_connect, lorawan_session
- connectionSupervisionTimeout : Gap::PreferredConnectionParams_t
- connHandle : DiscoveredCharacteristic, GattDataSentCallbackParams, GattHVXCallbackParams, GattReadAuthCallbackParams, GattReadCallbackParams, GattUpdatesChangedCallbackParams, GattWriteAuthCallbackParams, GattWriteCallbackParams, ServiceDiscovery
- context_size : psa_drv_entropy_t, psa_drv_se_cipher_t, psa_drv_se_key_derivation_t, psa_drv_se_mac_t
- counter : mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context
- cpu_busy : radio_status_t
- cpu_id : mbed_stats_sys_t
- crc_length : packet_params
- crc_mode : packet_params
- crc_on : radio_fsk_settings, radio_lora_settings
- cri : mbedtls_x509_csr
- ctr_func : mbedtls_cipher_base_t
- ctx : mbedtls_ecdh_context, mbedtls_ssl_ticket_key, psa_operation_driver_context_t
- ctx_alloc_func : mbedtls_cipher_base_t, mbedtls_pk_info_t
- ctx_free_func : mbedtls_cipher_base_t, mbedtls_pk_info_t
- cur_out_ctr : mbedtls_ssl_context
- current_rank : ws_rpl_info
- current_size : mbed_stats_heap_t