Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- r -
- radius_retry_count : ws_br_radius_timing
- radius_retry_imax : ws_br_radius_timing
- radius_retry_imin : ws_br_radius_timing
- ram_size : mbed_stats_sys_t
- ram_start : mbed_stats_sys_t
- randbytes : mbedtls_ssl_handshake_params
- raw : mbedtls_x509_crl, mbedtls_x509_crt, mbedtls_x509_csr
- rc13m_calib : radio_error_t
- rc13m_enable : caliberation_params_t, calibration_params_t
- rc64k_calib : radio_error_t
- rc64k_enable : caliberation_params_t, calibration_params_t
- read : ticker_interface_t
- read_timeout : mbedtls_ssl_config
- reasons : reset_reason_capabilities_t
- recv_bytes : mbed_stats_socket_t
- recv_delay1 : lora_mac_system_params_t
- recv_delay2 : lora_mac_system_params_t
- reference_id : mbed_stats_socket_t
- reflect_in : crc_mbed_config
- reflect_out : crc_mbed_config
- region_cnt : sfdp_smptbl_info
- region_erase_types_bitfld : sfdp_smptbl_info
- region_high_boundary : sfdp_smptbl_info
- region_size : sfdp_smptbl_info
- regions_min_common_erase_size : sfdp_smptbl_info
- req_type : loramac_mcps_confirm_t, loramac_mlme_confirm_t
- reseed_counter : mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context, mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context
- reseed_interval : mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context, mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context
- reserved : radio_error_t, radio_status_t
- reserved_size : mbed_stats_heap_t, mbed_stats_stack_t
- resume : mbedtls_ssl_handshake_params
- rf_switch_ctl1 : rf_ctrls
- rf_switch_ctl2 : rf_ctrls
- RFU : loramac_mhdr_t::hdr_bits_s
- rk : mbedtls_aes_context, mbedtls_aria_context, mbedtls_camellia_context
- RM1000_MAX_PACKET_SIZE : RM1000_AT_CellularStack
- RN : mbedtls_rsa_context
- role : mbedtls_ecjpake_context
- rom_size : mbed_stats_sys_t
- rom_start : mbed_stats_sys_t
- RP : mbedtls_dhm_context, mbedtls_rsa_context
- rpl_dodag_id : ws_br_info, ws_rpl_info
- rpl_rank : ws_nbr_info
- RQ : mbedtls_rsa_context
- rsa_min_bitlen : mbedtls_x509_crt_profile
- rsl_in : ws_nbr_info, ws_stack_state
- rsl_out : ws_nbr_info, ws_stack_state
- rssi : loramac_mcps_indication_t, lorawan_rx_metadata
- rssi_avg : packet_status_t
- rssi_pkt : packet_status_t
- rssi_sync : packet_status_t
- rssi_value : radio_fsk_packet_handler, radio_lora_packet_handler
- runs_in_deep_sleep : ticker_interface_t
- rx1_dr_offset : lora_mac_system_params_t
- rx1_frequency : channel_params_t
- rx2_channel : lora_mac_system_params_t
- rx_buff : i2c_t, serial_t, spi_t
- rx_buffer : loramac_protocol_params, transaction_t
- rx_buffer_len : loramac_protocol_params
- rx_continuous : radio_fsk_settings, radio_lora_settings
- rx_datarate : loramac_mcps_indication_t, lorawan_rx_metadata
- rx_done : radio_events
- rx_error : radio_events
- rx_gain : radio_fsk_packet_handler
- rx_length : transaction_t
- rx_single_timeout : radio_fsk_settings
- rx_slot : loramac_mcps_indication_t, loramac_protocol_params, rx_config_params_t
- rx_timeout : radio_events
- rx_toa : loramac_mcps_indication_t, lorawan_rx_metadata
- rx_window1_config : loramac_protocol_params
- rx_window1_delay : loramac_protocol_params
- rx_window1_timer : lorawan_timers
- rxctl : rf_ctrls