Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the documentation:
- q -
- QCBORDecode_Finish() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_GetNext() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_GetNextWithTags() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_Init() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_IsTagged() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_SetCallerConfiguredTagList() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_SetMemPool() : qcbor.h
- QCBORDecode_SetUpAllocator() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddBuffer() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddDouble() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddInt64() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddTag() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddType7() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_AddUInt64() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_CloseMapOrArray() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_Finish() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_FinishGetSize() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_Init() : qcbor.h
- QCBOREncode_OpenMapOrArray() : qcbor.h