Mbed OS Reference
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NbleEntry namespace for all BLE API definitions
 Caddress_tMAC address data type
 Cadv_data_appearance_tEnumeration of values for the adv_data_type_t::APPEARANCE
 Cadv_data_flags_tSet of advertising flags
 CAdvertisingDataBuilderBuild advertising data
 CAdvertisingDataParserParse and iterate over advertising data
 Celement_tRepresentation of an Advertising Data element
 CAdvertisingDataSimpleBuilderBuild advertising data
 CAdvertisingEndEventEvent produced when advertising ends
 CAdvertisingParametersParameters defining the advertising process
 CAdvertisingReportEventEvent generated when an advertising packet is seen during passive scanning or a scan response is received during active scanning
 CAdvertisingStartEventEvent produced when advertising start
 Catt_security_requirement_tSecurity requirement that can be attached to an attribute operation
 Cattribute_handle_range_tInclusive range of GATT attributes handles
 CBLEAbstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs
 CInitializationCompleteCallbackContextInitialization complete event
 COnEventsToProcessCallbackContextEvents to process event
 CBoundedRestrict values of an integer type to a defined range
 Cbuf_pool_desc_tContain description of the memory pool used by the Cordio stack
 Cbyte_array_tModel fixed size array values
 Ccoded_symbol_per_bit_tType describing the number of symbols per bit in le coded PHY
 CConnectionCompleteEventEvent generated when a connection initiation ends (successfully or not)
 CConnectionParametersParameters defining the connection initiation process
 CConnectionParametersUpdateCompleteEventEvent received when connection parameters have been updated
 Ccontroller_supported_features_tFeatures supported by the controller
 CCordioHCIDriverBase class of the HCI driver use by the BLE port of the Cordio stack
 CCordioHCITransportDriverBase class of the HCI transport driver
 CDisconnectionCompleteEventEvent produced when a disconnection is complete
 CDurationModel BLE durations
 CGapDefine device discovery, connection and link management procedures
 CEventHandlerDefinition of the general handler of Gap related events
 CPreferredConnectionParams_tPreferred connection parameter display in Generic Access Service
 CGattClientDefine procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server
 CEventHandlerDefinition of the general handler of GattClient related events
 CGattServerConstruct and operates a GATT server
 CEventHandlerDefinition of the general handler of GattServer related events
 CH4TransportDriverImplementation of the H4 driver
 Cio_capability_tType that describe the IO capability of a device; it is used during Pairing Feature exchange
 Clink_encryption_tType that describes link's encryption state
 CNRFCordioHCIDriverNordic port of CordioHCIDriver
 CNRFCordioHCITransportDriverNordic port of CordioHCITransportDriver
 Cpairing_failure_tType that describe a pairing failure
 CPasskeyAsciiPasskey stored as a string of digits
 Cpeer_address_type_tType that describes a peer device address type
 CPeriodicAdvertisingReportEventEvent generated when periodic advertising packet is received
 CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablishedEventEvent generated when you first receive a periodic advertisement
 CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLossEvent generated when periodic advertising sync is lost
 Cphy_set_tType that describe a set of PHY(sical) transports
 Cphy_tType that describes a bluetooth PHY(sical) transport
 Crandom_address_type_tType that describes a random device address type
 CSafeEnumHelper class used to define safe enumerations
 CScanParametersParameters defining the scan process
 Cphy_configuration_tScan configuration of a physical channel
 CScanRequestEventEvent produced when a peer requests a scan response from the advertiser
 CScanTimeoutEventEvent generated when scan times out
 CEventHandlerThe stack will use these functions to signal events to the application, subclass to override handlers
 CUpdateConnectionParametersRequestEventEvent received when a peer wants to change the connection parameters
 Cwhitelist_tRepresentation of a whitelist of addresses
 Centry_tBLE address representation
 Nmbed_cellular_traceSet mutex wait/release functions for 'tr_' macros, implementation here is modified from that found from mbed_trace
 NSafeBool_Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation
 CbaseBase class of all SafeBool instances