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Mbed OS Reference
▼Nble | Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions |
Caddress_t | MAC address data type |
Cadv_data_appearance_t | Enumeration of values for the adv_data_type_t::APPEARANCE |
Cadv_data_flags_t | Set of advertising flags |
Cadv_data_type_t | |
CAdvertisingDataBuilder | Build advertising data |
▼CAdvertisingDataParser | Parse and iterate over advertising data |
Celement_t | Representation of an Advertising Data element |
CAdvertisingDataSimpleBuilder | Build advertising data |
CAdvertisingEndEvent | Event produced when advertising ends |
CAdvertisingParameters | Parameters defining the advertising process |
CAdvertisingReportEvent | Event generated when an advertising packet is seen during passive scanning or a scan response is received during active scanning |
CAdvertisingStartEvent | Event produced when advertising start |
CAP3CordioHCIDriver | |
CAP3CordioHCITransportDriver | |
Catt_security_requirement_t | Security requirement that can be attached to an attribute operation |
Cattribute_handle_range_t | Inclusive range of GATT attributes handles |
▼CBLE | Abstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs |
CInitializationCompleteCallbackContext | Initialization complete event |
COnEventsToProcessCallbackContext | Events to process event |
CBounded | Restrict values of an integer type to a defined range |
Cbuf_pool_desc_t | Contain description of the memory pool used by the Cordio stack |
Cbyte_array_t | Model fixed size array values |
Ccoded_symbol_per_bit_t | Type describing the number of symbols per bit in le coded PHY |
CConnectionCompleteEvent | Event generated when a connection initiation ends (successfully or not) |
CConnectionParameters | Parameters defining the connection initiation process |
CConnectionParametersUpdateCompleteEvent | Event received when connection parameters have been updated |
Ccontroller_supported_features_t | Features supported by the controller |
CCordioHCIDriver | Base class of the HCI driver use by the BLE port of the Cordio stack |
CCordioHCITransportDriver | Base class of the HCI transport driver |
CDisconnectionCompleteEvent | Event produced when a disconnection is complete |
CDuration | Model BLE durations |
▼CGap | Define device discovery, connection and link management procedures |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of Gap related events |
CPreferredConnectionParams_t | Preferred connection parameter display in Generic Access Service |
▼CGattClient | Define procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of GattClient related events |
▼CGattServer | Construct and operates a GATT server |
CEventHandler | Definition of the general handler of GattServer related events |
CH4TransportDriver | Implementation of the H4 driver |
Cio_capability_t | Type that describe the IO capability of a device; it is used during Pairing Feature exchange |
Clink_encryption_t | Type that describes link's encryption state |
CNRFCordioHCIDriver | Nordic port of CordioHCIDriver |
CNRFCordioHCITransportDriver | Nordic port of CordioHCITransportDriver |
Cpairing_failure_t | Type that describe a pairing failure |
CPasskeyAscii | Passkey stored as a string of digits |
Cpeer_address_type_t | Type that describes a peer device address type |
CPeriodicAdvertisingReportEvent | Event generated when periodic advertising packet is received |
CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablishedEvent | Event generated when you first receive a periodic advertisement |
CPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLoss | Event generated when periodic advertising sync is lost |
Cphy_set_t | Type that describe a set of PHY(sical) transports |
Cphy_t | Type that describes a bluetooth PHY(sical) transport |
Crandom_address_type_t | Type that describes a random device address type |
CSafeEnum | Helper class used to define safe enumerations |
▼CScanParameters | Parameters defining the scan process |
Cphy_configuration_t | Scan configuration of a physical channel |
CScanRequestEvent | Event produced when a peer requests a scan response from the advertiser |
CScanTimeoutEvent | Event generated when scan times out |
▼CSecurityManager | Overview |
CEventHandler | The stack will use these functions to signal events to the application, subclass to override handlers |
CUpdateConnectionParametersRequestEvent | Event received when a peer wants to change the connection parameters |
▼Cwhitelist_t | Representation of a whitelist of addresses |
Centry_t | BLE address representation |
Nmbed_cellular_trace | Set mutex wait/release functions for 'tr_' macros, implementation here is modified from that found from mbed_trace |
▼NSafeBool_ | Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation |
Cbase | Base class of all SafeBool instances |