Test Case Output

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Target: NUCLEO_L452RE_P
Test: test-testshield-pwm-and-adc
Test Case: Test reading analog values with the ADC

{{__testcase_start;Test reading analog values with the ADC}}, queued...
[1725236225.70][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 0.0% produced an ADC reading of 0.0% (expected 0.0%)
[1725236225.74][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 10.0% produced an ADC reading of 10.0% (expected 10.0%)
[1725236225.79][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 20.0% produced an ADC reading of 20.0% (expected 20.0%)
[1725236225.84][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 30.0% produced an ADC reading of 29.7% (expected 30.0%)
[1725236225.89][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 40.0% produced an ADC reading of 40.0% (expected 40.0%)
[1725236225.94][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 50.0% produced an ADC reading of 50.4% (expected 50.0%)
[1725236225.99][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 60.0% produced an ADC reading of 59.7% (expected 60.0%)
[1725236226.04][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 70.0% produced an ADC reading of 70.3% (expected 70.0%)
[1725236226.09][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 80.0% produced an ADC reading of 79.4% (expected 80.0%)
[1725236226.14][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 90.0% produced an ADC reading of 89.9% (expected 90.0%)
[1725236226.19][CONN][RXD] PWM duty cycle of 100.0% produced an ADC reading of 100.0% (expected 100.0%)
[1725236226.19][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Test reading analog values with the ADC;1;0}}