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Mbed OS Reference
Representation of a GattServer characteristic. More...
#include <GattCharacteristic.h>
Data Structures | |
struct | PresentationFormat_t |
Value of a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
GattCharacteristic (const UUID &uuid, uint8_t *valuePtr=nullptr, uint16_t len=0, uint16_t maxLen=0, uint8_t props=BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE, GattAttribute *descriptors[]=nullptr, unsigned numDescriptors=0, bool hasVariableLen=true) | |
Constructs a new GattCharacteristic. | |
void | setSecurityRequirements (SecurityRequirement_t read_security, SecurityRequirement_t write_security, SecurityRequirement_t update_security) |
Set all security requirements of the characteristic. | |
void | setReadSecurityRequirement (SecurityRequirement_t security) |
Set the security of the read operation. | |
SecurityRequirement_t | getReadSecurityRequirement () const |
Get the security requirement of the read operation. | |
void | setWriteSecurityRequirement (SecurityRequirement_t security) |
Set the security requirement of the write operations. | |
SecurityRequirement_t | getWriteSecurityRequirement () const |
Get the security requirement of write operations. | |
void | setUpdateSecurityRequirement (SecurityRequirement_t security) |
Set the security requirement of update operations. | |
SecurityRequirement_t | getUpdateSecurityRequirement () const |
Get the security requirement of update operations. | |
void | setWriteAuthorizationCallback (void(*callback)(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *)) |
Register a callback handling client's write requests or commands. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | setWriteAuthorizationCallback (T *object, void(T::*member)(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *)) |
Register a callback handling client's write requests or commands. | |
const FunctionPointerWithContext< GattWriteAuthCallbackParams * > & | getWriteAuthorizationCallback () const |
Return the callback registered to handle client's write. | |
void | setReadAuthorizationCallback (void(*callback)(GattReadAuthCallbackParams *)) |
Register the read requests event handler. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | setReadAuthorizationCallback (T *object, void(T::*member)(GattReadAuthCallbackParams *)) |
Register the read requests event handler. | |
const FunctionPointerWithContext< GattReadAuthCallbackParams * > & | getReadAuthorizationCallback () const |
Return the callback registered to handle client's read. | |
GattAuthCallbackReply_t | authorizeWrite (GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *params) |
Invoke the write authorization callback. | |
GattAuthCallbackReply_t | authorizeRead (GattReadAuthCallbackParams *params) |
Invoke the read authorization callback. | |
GattAttribute & | getValueAttribute () |
Get the characteristic's value attribute. | |
const GattAttribute & | getValueAttribute () const |
Get the characteristic's value attribute. | |
GattAttribute::Handle_t | getValueHandle () const |
Get the characteristic's value attribute handle in the ATT table. | |
uint8_t | getProperties () const |
Get the characteristic's properties. | |
uint8_t | getDescriptorCount () const |
Get the total number of descriptors within this characteristic. | |
bool | isReadAuthorizationEnabled () const |
Check whether read authorization is enabled. | |
bool | isWriteAuthorizationEnabled () const |
Check whether write authorization is enabled. | |
GattAttribute * | getDescriptor (uint8_t index) |
Get this characteristic's descriptor at a specific index. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | isWritable (uint8_t properties) |
Indicates if the properties has at least one of the writable flags. | |
static bool | isReadable (uint8_t properties) |
Indicates if the properties is readable. | |
Representation of a GattServer characteristic.
A characteristic is a typed value enclosed in a GATT service (GattService).
The type of the value defines the purpose of the characteristic, and a UUID represents it. Standard characteristic types may be consulted at https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/characteristics
Additional information, such as the unit of the characteristic value, a description string or a client control point, can be added to the characteristic.
See BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part G] -
One of the most important types of descriptor is the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) that must be present if the characteristic properties allow a client to subscribe to updates of the characteristic value.
A characteristic is composed of several GATT attributes (GattAttribute):
When the GattService containing the characteristic is registered in the GattServer, a unique attribute handle is assigned to the various attributes of the characteristic. Clients use this handle to interact with the characteristic. This handle is used locally in GattServer APIs.
Verification of security requirements happens whenever a client request to read the characteristic; write it or even register to its updates. Different requirements may be defined for these three type of operation. As an example: it is possible to define a characteristic that do not require security to be read and require an authenticated link to be written.
By default all security requirements are set to att_security_requirement_t::NONE except if the characteristic supports signed write; in such case the security requirement for write operations is set to att_security_requirement_t::UNAUTHENTICATED.
Definition at line 105 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
Security level applied to GATT operations.
Definition at line 1374 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_STATE_CHAR | Not used in actual BLE service. |
UUID_BATTERY_POWER_STATE_CHAR | Not used in actual BLE service. |
UUID_REMOVABLE_CHAR | Not used in actual BLE service. |
UUID_SERVICE_REQUIRED_CHAR | Not used in actual BLE service. |
UUID_ALERT_CATEGORY_ID_CHAR | Not used as a characteristic UUID. |
UUID_ALERT_CATEGORY_ID_BIT_MASK_CHAR | Not used as a characteristic UUID. |
UUID_ALERT_LEVEL_CHAR | Control point of the Immediate Alert service that allows the client to command the server to alert to a given level. |
UUID_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Control point of the Alert Notification service that allows the client finely tune the notification configuration. |
UUID_ALERT_STATUS_CHAR | Part of the Alert Notification service, which exposes the count of unread alert events existing in the server. |
UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_CHAR | Characteristic of the Battery service, which exposes the current battery level as a percentage. |
UUID_BLOOD_PRESSURE_FEATURE_CHAR | Describe the features supported by the blood pressure sensor exposed by the Blood Pressure service. |
UUID_BLOOD_PRESSURE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Blood Pressure service that exposes the measurement of the blood sensor. |
UUID_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION_CHAR | Characteristic of the Heart Rate service that indicate the intended location of the heart rate monitor. |
UUID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_INPUT_REPORT_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_OUTPUT_REPORT_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_BOOT_MOUSE_INPUT_REPORT_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_CURRENT_TIME_CHAR | Characteristic of the Current Time service that contains the current time. |
UUID_DATE_TIME_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_DAY_DATE_TIME_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_DAY_OF_WEEK_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_DST_OFFSET_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_EXACT_TIME_256_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains a UTF8 string representing the firmware revision for the firmware within the device. |
UUID_GLUCOSE_FEATURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Glucose service that exposes features supported by the server. |
UUID_GLUCOSE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Glucose service that exposes glucose measurements. |
UUID_GLUCOSE_MEASUREMENT_CONTEXT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Glucose service that sends additional information related to the glucose measurements. |
UUID_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains a UTF8 string representing the hardware revision of the device. |
UUID_HEART_RATE_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Heart Rate service used by the client to control the service behavior. |
UUID_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Heart Rate that sends heart rate measurements to registered clients. |
UUID_HID_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_HID_INFORMATION_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_HUMIDITY_CHAR | Characteristic of the Environmental Sensing service, which exposes humidity measurements. |
UUID_IEEE_REGULATORY_CERTIFICATION_DATA_LIST_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service, which exposes various regulatory or certification compliance items to which the device claims adherence. |
UUID_INTERMEDIATE_CUFF_PRESSURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Blood Pressure service, which exposes intermediate cuff pressure measurements. |
UUID_INTERMEDIATE_TEMPERATURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Health Thermometer service that sends intermediate temperature values while the measurement is in progress. |
UUID_LOCAL_TIME_INFORMATION_CHAR | Characteristic of the current Time service that exposes information about the local time. |
UUID_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains a UTF8 string representing the manufacturer name of the device. |
UUID_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_CHAR | Characteristic of the Health Thermometer service that exposes the interval time between two measurements. |
UUID_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains a UTF8 string representing the model number of the device assigned by the vendor. |
UUID_UNREAD_ALERT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Alert Notification Service that shows how many numbers of unread alerts exist in the specific category in the device. |
UUID_NEW_ALERT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Alert Notification Service that defines the category of the alert and how many new alerts of that category have occurred in the server. |
UUID_PNP_ID_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service; it is a set of values used to create a device ID that is unique for this device. |
UUID_PRESSURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Environmental Sensing Service that exposes the pressure measured. |
UUID_PROTOCOL_MODE_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_RECORD_ACCESS_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Pulse Oxymeter, Glucose and Continuous Glucose Monitoring services use this control point to provide basic management of the patient record database. |
UUID_REFERENCE_TIME_INFORMATION_CHAR | Characteristic of the Current Time service that exposes information related to the current time served (accuracy, source, hours since update and so on). |
UUID_REPORT_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_REPORT_MAP_CHAR | Part of the Human Interface Device service. |
UUID_RINGER_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Phone Alert Status service that allows a client to configure operating mode. |
UUID_RINGER_SETTING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Phone Alert Status service that returns the ringer setting when read. |
UUID_SCAN_INTERVAL_WINDOW_CHAR | Characteristic of the Scan Parameter service that stores the client's scan parameters (scan interval and scan window). |
UUID_SCAN_REFRESH_CHAR | Characteristic of the Scan Parameter service that sends a notification to a client when the server requires its latest scan parameters. |
UUID_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains a UTF8 string representing the serial number of the device. |
UUID_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that contains an UTF8 string representing the software revision of the device. |
UUID_SUPPORTED_NEW_ALERT_CATEGORY_CHAR | Characteristic of the Alert Notification Service that notifies the count of new alerts for a given category to a subscribed client. |
UUID_SUPPORTED_UNREAD_ALERT_CATEGORY_CHAR | Characteristic of the Alert Notification service, which exposes categories of unread alert supported by the server. |
UUID_SYSTEM_ID_CHAR | Characteristic of the Device Information Service that exposes a structure containing an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) followed by a manufacturer-defined identifier. The value of the structure is unique for each individual instance of the product. |
UUID_TEMPERATURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Environmental Sensing service that exposes the temperature measurement with a resolution of 0.01 degree Celsius. |
UUID_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Health Thermometer service that sends temperature measurement to clients. |
UUID_TEMPERATURE_TYPE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Health Thermometer service that describes where the measurement takes place. |
UUID_TIME_ACCURACY_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_TIME_SOURCE_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_TIME_UPDATE_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Reference Time service that allows clients to control time update. |
UUID_TIME_UPDATE_STATE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Reference Time service that informs clients of the status of the time update operation. |
UUID_TIME_WITH_DST_CHAR | Characteristic of the Next DST Change service that returns to clients the time with DST. |
UUID_TIME_ZONE_CHAR | Not used in a service as a characteristic. |
UUID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_CHAR | Characteristic of the TX Power service that exposes the current transmission power in dBm. |
UUID_CSC_FEATURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Cycling Speed and Cadence (CSC) service that exposes features supported by the server. |
UUID_CSC_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Cycling Speed and Cadence (CSC) service that exposes measurements made by the server. |
UUID_RSC_FEATURE_CHAR | Characteristic of the Running Speed and Cadence (RSC) service that exposes features supported by the server. |
UUID_RSC_MEASUREMENT_CHAR | Characteristic of the Running Speed and Cadence (RSC) service that exposes measurements made by the server. |
Definition at line 111 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
anonymous enum |
Unit type of a characteristic value.
These unit types are used to describe what the raw numeric data in a characteristic actually represents. A server can expose that information to its clients by adding a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor to relevant characteristics.
Definition at line 535 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
anonymous enum |
Presentation format of a characteristic.
It determines how the value of a characteristic is formatted. A server can expose that information to its clients by adding a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor to relevant characteristics.
Definition at line 1092 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
enum Properties_t |
Characteristic properties.
It is a bitfield that determines how a characteristic value can be used.
Definition at line 1242 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattCharacteristic | ( | const UUID & | uuid, |
uint8_t * | valuePtr = nullptr , |
uint16_t | len = 0 , |
uint16_t | maxLen = 0 , |
uint8_t | props = BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE , |
GattAttribute * | descriptors[] = nullptr , |
unsigned | numDescriptors = 0 , |
bool | hasVariableLen = true |
) |
Constructs a new GattCharacteristic.
[in] | uuid | The UUID of this characteristic. |
[in] | valuePtr | Memory buffer holding the initial value. The value is copied into the Bluetooth subsytem when the enclosing service is added. Thereafter, the stack maintains it internally. |
[in] | len | The length in bytes of this characteristic's value. |
[in] | maxLen | The capacity in bytes of the characteristic value buffer. |
[in] | props | An 8-bit field that contains the characteristic's properties. |
[in] | descriptors | A pointer to an array of descriptors to be included within this characteristic. The caller owns the memory for the descriptor array, which must remain valid at least until the enclosing service is added to the GATT table. |
[in] | numDescriptors | The number of descriptors presents in descriptors array. |
[in] | hasVariableLen | Flag that indicates if the attribute's value length can change throughout time. |
bit field; the underlying BLE stack handles it.Definition at line 1409 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
static |
Indicates if the properties has at least one of the writable flags.
[in] | properties | The properties to inspect. |
Definition at line 1299 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
static |
Indicates if the properties is readable.
[in] | properties | The properties to inspect. |
Definition at line 1317 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setSecurityRequirements | ( | SecurityRequirement_t | read_security, |
SecurityRequirement_t | write_security, | ||
SecurityRequirement_t | update_security | ||
) |
Set all security requirements of the characteristic.
read_security | The security requirement of the read operations. |
write_security | The security requirement of write operations. |
update_security | The security requirement of update operations. |
Definition at line 1456 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setReadSecurityRequirement | ( | SecurityRequirement_t | security | ) |
Set the security of the read operation.
[in] | security | The security requirement of the read operation. |
Definition at line 1471 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
SecurityRequirement_t getReadSecurityRequirement | ( | ) | const |
Get the security requirement of the read operation.
Definition at line 1481 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setWriteSecurityRequirement | ( | SecurityRequirement_t | security | ) |
Set the security requirement of the write operations.
[in] | security | The security requirement of write operations. |
Definition at line 1496 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
SecurityRequirement_t getWriteSecurityRequirement | ( | ) | const |
Get the security requirement of write operations.
Definition at line 1513 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setUpdateSecurityRequirement | ( | SecurityRequirement_t | security | ) |
Set the security requirement of update operations.
[in] | security | The security requirement that must be met to send updates and accept write of the CCCD. |
Definition at line 1527 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
SecurityRequirement_t getUpdateSecurityRequirement | ( | ) | const |
Get the security requirement of update operations.
Definition at line 1541 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setWriteAuthorizationCallback | ( | void(*)(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *) | callback | ) |
Register a callback handling client's write requests or commands.
The callback registered is invoked when the client attempts to write the characteristic value; the event handler can accept or reject the write request with the appropriate error code.
[in] | callback | Event handler being registered. |
Definition at line 1556 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setWriteAuthorizationCallback | ( | T * | object, |
void(T::*)(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *) | member | ||
) |
Register a callback handling client's write requests or commands.
The callback registered is invoked when the client attempts to write the characteristic value; the event handler can accept or reject the write request with the appropriate error code.
[in] | object | Pointer to the object of a class defining the event handler (member ). It must remain valid for the lifetime of the GattCharacteristic. |
[in] | member | The member function that handles the write event. |
Definition at line 1575 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
const FunctionPointerWithContext< GattWriteAuthCallbackParams * > & getWriteAuthorizationCallback | ( | ) | const |
Return the callback registered to handle client's write.
Definition at line 1588 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setReadAuthorizationCallback | ( | void(*)(GattReadAuthCallbackParams *) | callback | ) |
Register the read requests event handler.
The callback registered is invoked when the client attempts to read the characteristic value; the event handler can accept or reject the read request with the appropriate error code. It can also set specific outgoing data.
[in] | callback | Event handler being registered. |
Definition at line 1603 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
void setReadAuthorizationCallback | ( | T * | object, |
void(T::*)(GattReadAuthCallbackParams *) | member | ||
) |
Register the read requests event handler.
The callback registered is invoked when the client attempts to read the characteristic value; the event handler can accept or reject the read request with the appropriate error code. It can also set specific outgoing data.
[in] | object | Pointer to the object of a class defining the event handler (member ). It must remain valid for the lifetime of the GattCharacteristic. |
[in] | member | The member function that handles the read event. |
Definition at line 1623 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
const FunctionPointerWithContext< GattReadAuthCallbackParams * > & getReadAuthorizationCallback | ( | ) | const |
Return the callback registered to handle client's read.
Definition at line 1636 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizeWrite | ( | GattWriteAuthCallbackParams * | params | ) |
Invoke the write authorization callback.
This function is a helper that calls the registered write handler to determine the authorization reply for a write request.
[in] | params | Context of the write-auth request; it contains an out-parameter used as a reply. |
Definition at line 1655 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizeRead | ( | GattReadAuthCallbackParams * | params | ) |
Invoke the read authorization callback.
This function is a helper that calls the registered read handler to determine the authorization reply for a read request.
[in,out] | params | Context of the read-auth request; it contains an out-parameter used as a reply and the handler can fill it with outgoing data. The params->data provides a pointer to the data and params->len provides the length of this data. params->len is also used to pass the maximum size of data that the params->data can contain. If you set the params->len to a value larger than the passed in value the read operation will fail. |
Definition at line 1700 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattAttribute & getValueAttribute | ( | ) |
Get the characteristic's value attribute.
Definition at line 1718 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
const GattAttribute & getValueAttribute | ( | ) | const |
Get the characteristic's value attribute.
Definition at line 1728 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle | ( | ) | const |
Get the characteristic's value attribute handle in the ATT table.
Definition at line 1741 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
uint8_t getProperties | ( | ) | const |
Get the characteristic's properties.
Definition at line 1753 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
uint8_t getDescriptorCount | ( | ) | const |
Get the total number of descriptors within this characteristic.
Definition at line 1763 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
bool isReadAuthorizationEnabled | ( | ) | const |
Check whether read authorization is enabled.
Read authorization is enabled when a read authorization event handler is set up.
Definition at line 1776 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
bool isWriteAuthorizationEnabled | ( | ) | const |
Check whether write authorization is enabled.
Write authorization is enabled when a write authorization event handler is set up.
Definition at line 1789 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.
GattAttribute * getDescriptor | ( | uint8_t | index | ) |
Get this characteristic's descriptor at a specific index.
[in] | index | The index of the descriptor to get. |
is within the range of the descriptor array or nullptr otherwise.Definition at line 1806 of file gatt/GattCharacteristic.h.