Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- f -
- fall() : InterruptIn
- FATFileSystem() : FATFileSystem
- File() : File
- FileLike() : FileLike
- FilePath() : FilePath
- FileSystem() : FileSystem
- FileSystemLike() : FileSystemLike
- FileSystemStore() : FileSystemStore
- filter() : CAN
- find_descriptor() : USBDevice
- find_socket() : AT_CellularStack
- find_socket_index() : AT_CellularStack
- findCacheLineStart() : CacheAlignedBuffer< DataT >
- finish() : TaskBase
- finished() : TaskBase
- first() : Span< ElementType, Extent >, Span< ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT >
- flags_set() : Thread
- FlashIAPBlockDevice() : FlashIAPBlockDevice
- FlashSimBlockDevice() : FlashSimBlockDevice
- flush() : ATCmdParser, ATHandler
- forever() : Duration< Rep, TB, Range, Forever >
- format() : FATFileSystem, LittleFileSystem2, LittleFileSystem, SerialBase, SPI, SPISlave, UnbufferedSerial
- free() : ByteBuffer, RealTimeClock, NanostackMemoryManager, NetStackMemoryManager, Mail< T, queue_sz >, MemoryPool< T, pool_sz >
- free_stack() : Thread
- frequency() : CAN, I2C, I2CSlave, SPI, SDBlockDevice
- from_raw() : MIDIMessage
- from_time_t() : RealTimeClock
- full() : ByteBuffer, CircularBuffer< T, BufferSize, CounterType >, Mail< T, queue_sz >, Queue< T, queue_sz >
- FunctionPointerWithContext() : FunctionPointerWithContext< ContextType >