Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- l -
- label : _QCBORItem
- last_change_tick : mbed_stats_socket_t
- last_channel_idx : loramac_protocol_params
- last_join_tx_time : band_t
- last_record : Record
- last_tx_time : band_t
- lastHandle : DiscoveredCharacteristic
- LC : C_APDU::C_APDUBody_t
- LE : C_APDU::C_APDUBody_t
- left : mbedtls_md2_context
- legacy_erase_instruction : sfdp_bptbl_info
- len : GattHVXCallbackParams, GattReadAuthCallbackParams, GattReadCallbackParams, GattWriteAuthCallbackParams, GattWriteCallbackParams, mbedtls_asn1_bitstring, mbedtls_asn1_buf, mbedtls_dhm_context, mbedtls_gcm_context, mbedtls_rsa_context, psa_invec, psa_outvec
- length : buffer_s, CommandData_t
- lifetime : ws_nbr_info
- link_check_resp : lorawan_app_callbacks_t
- link_local_addr : ws_stack_state
- link_local_address : ws_nbr_info
- locked_slots : mbedtls_psa_stats_s
- lora : packet_params, radio_settings
- lora_packet_handler : radio_settings
- low_datarate_optimization : modulation_params_t
- low_datarate_optimize : radio_lora_settings
- lower_band_freq : band_t