QCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem().
uint8_t | uNestingLevel |
| Tells what element of the val union to use.
uint8_t | uLabelType |
| How deep the nesting from arrays and maps are.
uint8_t | uDataAlloc |
| Tells what element of the label union to use.
uint8_t | uLabelAlloc |
| 1 if allocated with string allocator, 0 if not.
uint8_t | uNextNestLevel |
| Like uDataAlloc, but for label.
union { | |
uint64_t uint64 | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_INT64. More...
UsefulBufC string | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_UINT64. More...
uint16_t uCount | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_BYTE_STRING and QCBOR_TYPE_TEXT_STRING. More...
double dfnum | |
| The "value" for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_ARRAY or QCBOR_TYPE_MAP – the number of items in the array or map UINT16_MAX when decoding indefinite lengths maps and arrays. More...
struct { | |
} epochDate | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_DOUBLE. More...
UsefulBufC dateString | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_DATE_EPOCH. More...
UsefulBufC bigNum | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_DATE_STRING. More...
uint8_t uSimple | |
| The value for uDataType QCBOR_TYPE_BIGNUM. More...
uint64_t uTagV | |
| The integer value for unknown simple types. More...
} | val | |
| If not equal to uNestingLevel, this item closed out at least one map/array.
union { | |
int64_t int64 | |
| The label for uLabelType QCBOR_TYPE_BYTE_STRING and QCBOR_TYPE_TEXT_STRING. More...
uint64_t uint64 | |
| The label for uLabelType for QCBOR_TYPE_INT64. More...
} | label | |
| The union holding the item's value.
uint64_t | uTagBits |
| Union holding the different label types selected based on uLabelType.
QCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem().
Definition at line 724 of file qcbor.h.