Mbed OS Reference
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ESP32InterfaceAP Class Referenceabstract

ESP32Interface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP32. More...

#include <ESP32InterfaceAP.h>

Inheritance diagram for ESP32InterfaceAP:
ESP32Stack WiFiInterface NetworkStack NetworkInterface DNS DNS

Public Types

typedef mbed::Callback< nsapi_error_t(int delay_ms, mbed::Callback< void()> user_cb)> call_in_callback_cb_t
 Type for a call-in callback.
typedef mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_value_or_error_t result, SocketAddress *address)> hostbyname_cb_t
 Hostname translation callback (for use with gethostbyname_async()).

Public Member Functions

 ESP32InterfaceAP ()
 ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime Configuration defined in mbed_lib.json.
 ESP32InterfaceAP (PinName en, PinName io0, PinName tx, PinName rx, bool debug=false, PinName rts=NC, PinName cts=NC, int baudrate=230400)
 ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime.
 ESP32InterfaceAP (PinName tx, PinName rx, bool debug=false)
 ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime.
nsapi_error_t set_network (const SocketAddress &ip_address, const SocketAddress &netmask, const SocketAddress &gateway) override
 Configure this network interface to use a static IP address.
nsapi_error_t set_dhcp (bool dhcp) override
 Enable or disable DHCP on connecting the network.
int connect () override
 Attempt to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
int connect (const char *ssid, const char *pass, nsapi_security_t security=NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE, uint8_t channel=0) override
 Attempt to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
int set_credentials (const char *ssid, const char *pass, nsapi_security_t security=NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE) override
 Set the Wi-Fi network credentials.
int set_channel (uint8_t channel) override
 Set the Wi-Fi network channel.
int disconnect () override
 Stop the interface.
nsapi_error_t get_ip_address (SocketAddress *address) override
 Get the local IP address.
const char * get_mac_address () override
 Get the local MAC address.
nsapi_error_t get_gateway (SocketAddress *address) override
 Get the local gateway.
nsapi_error_t get_netmask (SocketAddress *address) override
 Get the local network mask.
int8_t get_rssi () override
 Get the current radio signal strength for active connection.
void attach (mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb) override
 Register callback for status reporting.
nsapi_connection_status_t get_connection_status () const override
 Get the connection status.
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname (const char *host, SocketAddress *address, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to an IP address with specific version using network interface name.
virtual nsapi_error_t add_dns_server (const SocketAddress &address, const char *interface_name)
 Add a domain name server to list of servers to query.
virtual nsapi_error_t get_ipv6_link_local_address (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the IPv6 link local address.
virtual nsapi_error_t get_ip_address_if (SocketAddress *address, const char *interface_name)
 Get the local IP address on interface name.
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, SocketAddress **res, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses with specific version using network interface name.
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t gethostbyname_async (const char *host, hostbyname_cb_t callback, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translates a hostname to multiple IP addresses (asynchronous)
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo_async (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, hostbyname_cb_t callback, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translates a hostname to the multiple IP addresses (asynchronous)
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname_async_cancel (int id)
 Cancels asynchronous hostname translation.
virtual nsapi_error_t get_dns_server (int index, SocketAddress *address, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Get a domain name server from a list of servers to query.
virtual OnboardNetworkStackonboardNetworkStack ()
 Dynamic downcast to a OnboardNetworkStack.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t scan (WiFiAccessPoint *res, nsapi_size_t count)=0
 Scan for available networks.
WiFiInterfacewifiInterface () final
 Return pointer to a WiFiInterface.
void set_default_parameters () override
virtual void set_as_default ()
 Set network interface as default one.
virtual const char * get_hostname ()
 Get hostname.
virtual nsapi_error_t set_hostname (const char *hostname)
 Set hostname.
virtual nsapi_error_t set_mac_address (uint8_t *mac_addr, nsapi_size_t addr_len)
 Set the MAC address to the interface.
virtual nsapi_error_t get_ipv6_link_local_address (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the IPv6 link local address.
virtual char * get_interface_name (char *interface_name)
 Get the network interface name.
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, SocketAddress **res, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses with specific version using network interface name.
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t gethostbyname_async (const char *host, hostbyname_cb_t callback, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to an IP address (asynchronous) using network interface name.
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo_async (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, hostbyname_cb_t callback, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses (asynchronous) using network interface name.
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname_async_cancel (int id)
 Cancel asynchronous hostname translation.
virtual nsapi_error_t get_dns_server (int index, SocketAddress *address, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Get a domain name server from a list of servers to query.
void add_event_listener (mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb)
 Add event listener for interface.
virtual nsapi_error_t set_blocking (bool blocking)
 Set asynchronous operation of connect() and disconnect() calls.
virtual EthInterfaceethInterface ()
 Return pointer to an EthInterface.
virtual MeshInterfacemeshInterface ()
 Return pointer to a MeshInterface.
virtual EMACInterfaceemacInterface ()
 Return pointer to an EMACInterface.
virtual CellularInterfacecellularInterface ()
 Return pointer to a CellularInterface.

Static Public Member Functions

static WiFiInterfaceget_default_instance ()
 Get the default Wi-Fi interface.

Protected Member Functions

int socket_open (void **handle, nsapi_protocol_t proto) override
 Opens a socket.
int socket_close (void *handle) override
 Close the socket.
int socket_bind (void *handle, const SocketAddress &address) override
 Bind a specific address to a socket.
int socket_listen (void *handle, int backlog) override
 Listen for connections on a TCP socket.
int socket_connect (void *handle, const SocketAddress &address) override
 Connects TCP socket to a remote host.
int socket_accept (void *handle, void **socket, SocketAddress *address) override
 Accepts a connection on a TCP socket.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_send (nsapi_socket_t handle, const void *data, nsapi_size_t size)=0
 Send data over a TCP socket.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recv (nsapi_socket_t handle, void *data, nsapi_size_t size)=0
 Receive data over a TCP socket.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_sendto (nsapi_socket_t handle, const SocketAddress &address, const void *data, nsapi_size_t size)=0
 Send a packet over a UDP socket.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recvfrom (nsapi_socket_t handle, SocketAddress *address, void *buffer, nsapi_size_t size)=0
 Receive a packet over a UDP socket.
void socket_attach (void *handle, void(*callback)(void *), void *data) override
 Register a callback on state change of the socket.
nsapi_error_t setsockopt (nsapi_socket_t handle, int level, int optname, const void *optval, unsigned optlen) override
 Set stack-specific socket options.
nsapi_error_t getsockopt (nsapi_socket_t handle, int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned *optlen) override
 Get stack-specific socket options.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_sendto_control (nsapi_socket_t handle, const SocketAddress &address, const void *data, nsapi_size_t size, nsapi_msghdr_t *control, nsapi_size_t control_size)
 Send a packet with ancillary data over a UDP socket.
virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recvfrom_control (nsapi_socket_t handle, SocketAddress *address, void *data, nsapi_size_t size, nsapi_msghdr_t *control, nsapi_size_t control_size)
 Receive a packet with ancillary data over a UDP socket.

Detailed Description

ESP32Interface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP32.

Definition at line 26 of file ESP32InterfaceAP.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ call_in_callback_cb_t

typedef mbed::Callback<nsapi_error_t (int delay_ms, mbed::Callback<void()> user_cb)> call_in_callback_cb_t

Type for a call-in callback.

This is a pointer to a function that will call the provided callback from the network stack after a given delay, or immediately if delay_ms is 0.

Definition at line 235 of file NetworkStack.h.

◆ hostbyname_cb_t

typedef mbed::Callback<void (nsapi_value_or_error_t result, SocketAddress *address)> hostbyname_cb_t

Hostname translation callback (for use with gethostbyname_async()).

Callback will be called after DNS resolution completes or a failure occurs.

Callback should not take more than 10ms to execute, otherwise it might prevent underlying thread processing. A portable user of the callback should not make calls to network operations due to stack size limitations. The callback should not perform expensive operations such as socket recv/send calls or blocking operations.

result : Negative error code on failure, or value that represents the number of DNS records
address : On success, destination for the host SocketAddress.

Definition at line 303 of file NetworkInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ESP32InterfaceAP() [1/3]

ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime Configuration defined in mbed_lib.json.

◆ ESP32InterfaceAP() [2/3]

ESP32InterfaceAP ( PinName  en,
PinName  io0,
PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,
bool  debug = false,
PinName  rts = NC,
PinName  cts = NC,
int  baudrate = 230400 

ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime.

enEN pin (If not used this pin, please set "NC")
io0IO0 pin (If not used this pin, please set "NC")
txTX pin
rxRX pin
debugEnable debugging
rtsRTS pin
ctsCTS pin
baudrateThe baudrate of the serial port (default = 230400).

◆ ESP32InterfaceAP() [3/3]

ESP32InterfaceAP ( PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,
bool  debug = false 

ESP32InterfaceAP lifetime.

txTX pin
rxRX pin
debugEnable debugging

Member Function Documentation

◆ set_network()

nsapi_error_t set_network ( const SocketAddress ip_address,
const SocketAddress netmask,
const SocketAddress gateway 

Configure this network interface to use a static IP address.

Implicitly disables DHCP, which can be enabled in set_dhcp. Requires that the network is disconnected.

ip_addressSocketAddress object containing the local IP address
netmaskSocketAddress object containing the local network mask
gatewaySocketAddress object containing the local gateway
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this function is unsupported

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ set_dhcp()

nsapi_error_t set_dhcp ( bool  dhcp)

Enable or disable DHCP on connecting the network.

Enabled by default unless a static IP address has been assigned. Requires that the network is disconnected.

dhcpTrue to enable DHCP.
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success.
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif operation is not supported.

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ connect() [1/2]

int connect ( )

Attempt to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Requires ssid and passphrase to be set. If passphrase is invalid, NSAPI_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR is returned.

NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ connect() [2/2]

int connect ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  pass,
nsapi_security_t  security = NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE,
uint8_t  channel = 0 

Attempt to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

ssidName of the network to connect to.
passSecurity passphrase to connect to the network.
securityType of encryption for connection (Default: NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE).
channelChannel to make the connection, or 0 for any (Default: 0).
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, or error code on failure.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ set_credentials()

int set_credentials ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  pass,
nsapi_security_t  security = NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE 

Set the Wi-Fi network credentials.

ssidName of the network to connect to.
passSecurity passphrase to connect to the network.
securityType of encryption for connection (defaults to NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE).
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, or error code on failure.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ set_channel()

int set_channel ( uint8_t  channel)

Set the Wi-Fi network channel.

channelChannel to make the connection, or 0 for any (Default: 0).
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, or error code on failure.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ disconnect()

int disconnect ( )

Stop the interface.

NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, or error code on failure.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ get_ip_address()

nsapi_error_t get_ip_address ( SocketAddress address)

Get the local IP address.

addressSocketAddress representation of the local IP address
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid
NSAPI_ERROR_NO_ADDRESSif the address cannot be obtained from stack

Reimplemented from NetworkStack.

◆ get_mac_address()

const char * get_mac_address ( )

Get the local MAC address.

Provided MAC address is intended for info or debug purposes and may be not provided if the underlying network interface does not provide a MAC address.

Null-terminated representation of the local MAC address or null if no MAC address is available.

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ get_gateway()

nsapi_error_t get_gateway ( SocketAddress address)

Get the local gateway.

addressSocketAddress representation of gateway address
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid
NSAPI_ERROR_NO_ADDRESSif the address cannot be obtained from stack

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ get_netmask()

nsapi_error_t get_netmask ( SocketAddress address)

Get the local network mask.

addressSocketAddress representation of netmask
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid
NSAPI_ERROR_NO_ADDRESSif the address cannot be obtained from stack

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ get_rssi()

int8_t get_rssi ( )

Get the current radio signal strength for active connection.

Connection strength in dBm (negative value), or 0 if measurement impossible.

Implements WiFiInterface.

◆ attach()

void attach ( mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)>  status_cb)

Register callback for status reporting.

The specified status callback function will be called on status changes on the network. The parameters on the callback are the event type and event-type dependent reason parameter. Only one callback can be registered at a time.

To unregister a callback call with status_cb parameter as a zero.

NOTE: Any callbacks registered with this function will be overwritten if add_event_listener() API is used.

status_cbThe callback for status changes.

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ get_connection_status()

nsapi_connection_status_t get_connection_status ( ) const

Get the connection status.

The connection status (
See also

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ gethostbyname()

virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname ( const char *  host,
SocketAddress address,
nsapi_version_t  version = NSAPI_UNSPEC,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translate a hostname to an IP address with specific version using network interface name.

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

hostHostname to resolve.
addressPointer to a SocketAddress to store the result.
versionIP version of address to resolve, NSAPI_UNSPEC indicates version is chosen by the stack (defaults to NSAPI_UNSPEC).
interface_nameNetwork interface name
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
intNegative error code on failure. See NetworkStack::gethostbyname

Reimplemented from NetworkStack.

◆ add_dns_server()

virtual nsapi_error_t add_dns_server ( const SocketAddress address,
const char *  interface_name 

Add a domain name server to list of servers to query.

addressAddress for the dns host.
interface_nameNetwork interface name. Currently unused, the server is added for all interfaces.
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Reimplemented from NetworkStack.

◆ socket_open()

int socket_open ( void **  handle,
nsapi_protocol_t  proto 

Opens a socket.

Creates a network socket and stores it in the specified handle. The handle must be passed to following calls on the socket.

A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.

handleDestination for the handle to a newly created socket
protoProtocol of socket to open, NSAPI_TCP or NSAPI_UDP
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_close()

int socket_close ( void *  handle)

Close the socket.

Closes any open connection and deallocates any memory associated with the socket.

handleSocket handle
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_bind()

int socket_bind ( void *  handle,
const SocketAddress address 

Bind a specific address to a socket.

Binding a socket specifies the address and port on which to receive data. If the IP address is zeroed, only the port is bound.

handleSocket handle
addressLocal address to bind
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_listen()

int socket_listen ( void *  handle,
int  backlog 

Listen for connections on a TCP socket.

Marks the socket as a passive socket that can be used to accept incoming connections.

handleSocket handle
backlogNumber of pending connections that can be queued simultaneously
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_connect()

int socket_connect ( void *  handle,
const SocketAddress address 

Connects TCP socket to a remote host.

Initiates a connection to a remote server specified by the indicated address.

handleSocket handle
addressThe SocketAddress of the remote host
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_accept()

int socket_accept ( void *  server,
void **  handle,
SocketAddress address 

Accepts a connection on a TCP socket.

The server socket must be bound and set to listen for connections. On a new connection, creates a network socket and stores it in the specified handle. The handle must be passed to following calls on the socket.

A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.

This call is non-blocking. If accept would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

serverSocket handle to server to accept from
handleDestination for a handle to the newly created socket
addressDestination for the remote address or NULL
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ socket_send()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_send ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
const void *  data,
nsapi_size_t  size 
protectedpure virtualinherited

Send data over a TCP socket.

The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of bytes sent from the buffer.

This call is non-blocking. If send would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
dataBuffer of data to send to the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
Number of sent bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in AT_CellularStack, and Nanostack.

◆ socket_recv()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recv ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
void *  data,
nsapi_size_t  size 
protectedpure virtualinherited

Receive data over a TCP socket.

The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of bytes received into the buffer.

This call is non-blocking. If recv would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
dataDestination buffer for data received from the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
Number of received bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in AT_CellularStack, and Nanostack.

◆ socket_sendto()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_sendto ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
const SocketAddress address,
const void *  data,
nsapi_size_t  size 
protectedpure virtualinherited

Send a packet over a UDP socket.

Sends data to the specified address. Returns the number of bytes sent from the buffer.

This call is non-blocking. If sendto would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
addressThe SocketAddress of the remote host
dataBuffer of data to send to the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
Number of sent bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in AT_CellularStack, and Nanostack.

◆ socket_recvfrom()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recvfrom ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
SocketAddress address,
void *  buffer,
nsapi_size_t  size 
protectedpure virtualinherited

Receive a packet over a UDP socket.

Receives data and stores the source address in address if address is not NULL. Returns the number of bytes received into the buffer.

This call is non-blocking. If recvfrom would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
addressDestination for the source address or NULL
bufferDestination buffer for data received from the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
Number of received bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in AT_CellularStack, and Nanostack.

◆ socket_attach()

void socket_attach ( void *  handle,
void(*)(void *)  callback,
void *  data 

Register a callback on state change of the socket.

The specified callback will be called on state changes such as when the socket can recv/send/accept successfully and on when an error occurs. The callback may also be called spuriously without reason.

The callback may be called in an interrupt context and should not perform expensive operations such as recv/send calls.

handleSocket handle
callbackFunction to call on state change
dataArgument to pass to callback

Implements NetworkStack.

◆ setsockopt()

nsapi_error_t setsockopt ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
int  level,
int  optname,
const void *  optval,
unsigned  optlen 

Set stack-specific socket options.

The setsockopt allow an application to pass stack-specific hints to the underlying stack. For unsupported options, NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and the socket is unmodified.

handleSocket handle.
levelStack-specific protocol level.
optnameStack-specific option identifier.
optvalOption value.
optlenLength of the option value.
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Reimplemented from NetworkStack.

◆ getsockopt()

nsapi_error_t getsockopt ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
int  level,
int  optname,
void *  optval,
unsigned *  optlen 

Get stack-specific socket options.

The getstackopt allow an application to retrieve stack-specific hints from the underlying stack. For unsupported options, NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and optval is unmodified.

handleSocket handle.
levelStack-specific protocol level.
optnameStack-specific option identifier.
optvalDestination for option value.
optlenLength of the option value.
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Reimplemented from NetworkStack.

◆ get_ipv6_link_local_address() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t get_ipv6_link_local_address ( SocketAddress address)

Get the IPv6 link local address.

addressSocketAddress representation of the link local IPv6 address
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid

◆ get_ip_address_if()

virtual nsapi_error_t get_ip_address_if ( SocketAddress address,
const char *  interface_name 

Get the local IP address on interface name.

addressSocketAddress representation of the link local IPv6 address
interface_nameNetwork interface_name
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid
NSAPI_ERROR_NO_ADDRESSif the address cannot be obtained from stack

◆ getaddrinfo() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo ( const char *  hostname,
SocketAddress hints,
SocketAddress **  res,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses with specific version using network interface name.

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

hostnameHostname to resolve.
hintsPointer to a SocketAddress with query parameters.
resPointer to a SocketAddress array to store the result..
interface_nameNetwork interface name
number of results on success, negative error code on failure.

Implements DNS.

◆ gethostbyname_async() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t gethostbyname_async ( const char *  host,
hostbyname_cb_t  callback,
nsapi_version_t  version = NSAPI_UNSPEC,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translates a hostname to multiple IP addresses (asynchronous)

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

Call is non-blocking. Result of the DNS operation is returned by the callback. If this function returns failure, callback will not be called. In case result is success (IP address was found from DNS cache), callback will be called before function returns.

hostHostname to resolve
callbackCallback that is called for result
versionIP version of address to resolve, NSAPI_UNSPEC indicates version is chosen by the stack (defaults to NSAPI_UNSPEC)
interface_nameNetwork interface_name
0 on immediate success, negative error code on immediate failure or a positive unique id that represents the hostname translation operation and can be passed to cancel

Implements DNS.

Reimplemented in Nanostack.

◆ getaddrinfo_async() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo_async ( const char *  hostname,
SocketAddress hints,
hostbyname_cb_t  callback,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translates a hostname to the multiple IP addresses (asynchronous)

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

The call is non-blocking. Result of the DNS operation is returned by the callback. If this function returns failure, callback will not be called. In case that IP addresses are found from DNS cache, callback will be called before function returns.

hostnameHostname to resolve
hintsPointer to a SocketAddress with query parameters.
callbackCallback that is called for result
interface_nameNetwork interface_name
0 on immediate success, negative error code on immediate failure or a positive unique id that represents the hostname translation operation and can be passed to cancel

Implements DNS.

◆ gethostbyname_async_cancel() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname_async_cancel ( int  id)

Cancels asynchronous hostname translation.

When translation is cancelled, callback will not be called.

idUnique id of the hostname translation operation
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Implements DNS.

◆ get_dns_server() [1/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t get_dns_server ( int  index,
SocketAddress address,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Get a domain name server from a list of servers to query.

Returns a DNS server address for a index. If returns error no more DNS servers to read.

indexIndex of the DNS server, starts from zero
addressDestination for the host address
interface_nameNetwork interface name
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented in Nanostack.

◆ onboardNetworkStack()

virtual OnboardNetworkStack * onboardNetworkStack ( )

Dynamic downcast to a OnboardNetworkStack.

Reimplemented in OnboardNetworkStack.

Definition at line 225 of file NetworkStack.h.

◆ socket_sendto_control()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_sendto_control ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
const SocketAddress address,
const void *  data,
nsapi_size_t  size,
nsapi_msghdr_t control,
nsapi_size_t  control_size 

Send a packet with ancillary data over a UDP socket.

Sends data to the specified address. Returns the number of bytes sent from the buffer.

This call is non-blocking. If sendto would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
addressThe SocketAddress of the remote host
dataBuffer of data to send to the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
controlStorage for ancillary data
control_sizeSize of ancillary data
Number of sent bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 408 of file NetworkStack.h.

◆ socket_recvfrom_control()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recvfrom_control ( nsapi_socket_t  handle,
SocketAddress address,
void *  data,
nsapi_size_t  size,
nsapi_msghdr_t control,
nsapi_size_t  control_size 

Receive a packet with ancillary data over a UDP socket.

Receives data and stores the source address in address if address is not NULL. Returns the number of bytes received into the buffer.

Ancillary data is stored into control. The caller needs to allocate a buffer that is large enough to contain the data they want to receive, then pass the pointer in through the control member. The data will be filled into control, beginning with a header specifying what data was received. See MsgHeaderIterator for how to parse this data.

This call is non-blocking. If recvfrom would block, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.

handleSocket handle
addressDestination for the source address or NULL
dataDestination buffer for data received from the host
sizeSize of the buffer in bytes
controlStorage for ancillary data
control_sizeSize of ancillary data
Number of received bytes on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 441 of file NetworkStack.h.

◆ get_default_instance()

static WiFiInterface * get_default_instance ( )

Get the default Wi-Fi interface.

This is provided as a weak method so applications can override it. Default behavior is to get the target's default interface, if any.

pointer to interface, if any.

◆ scan()

virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t scan ( WiFiAccessPoint res,
nsapi_size_t  count 
pure virtualinherited

Scan for available networks.

This is a blocking function.

If the count is 0, the function only returns the number of available networks. If the count is greater than 0 and the res is not NULL, the array of discovered APs is populated with discovered networks up to the value of the count.

resPointer to allocated array to store discovered APs.
countSize of allocated res array, or 0 to only count available APs.
Number of entries in res, or if count was 0, number of available networks. Negative on error (
See also
nsapi_types.h for nsapi_error).

◆ wifiInterface()

WiFiInterface * wifiInterface ( )

Return pointer to a WiFiInterface.

Pointer to requested interface type or NULL if this class doesn't implement the interface.

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

Definition at line 110 of file WiFiInterface.h.

◆ set_default_parameters()

void set_default_parameters ( )


Set default parameters on a Wi-Fi interface.

A Wi-Fi interface instantiated directly or using WiFiInterface::get_default_instance() is initially unconfigured. This call can be used to set the default parameters that would have been set if the interface had been requested using NetworkInterface::get_default_instance() (see nsapi JSON configuration).

Reimplemented from NetworkInterface.

◆ set_as_default()

virtual void set_as_default ( )

Set network interface as default one.

Reimplemented in EMACInterface, L3IPInterface, and PPPInterface.

◆ get_hostname()

virtual const char * get_hostname ( )

Get hostname.

Hostname if configured, null otherwise

Reimplemented in EMACInterface.

◆ set_hostname()

virtual nsapi_error_t set_hostname ( const char *  hostname)

Set hostname.

hostnameHostname string
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif hostname is not valid
NSAPI_ERROR_BUSYif hostname couldn't be set (e.g. for LwIP stack, hostname can only be set before calling EthernetInterface::connect method)

Reimplemented in EMACInterface.

◆ set_mac_address()

virtual nsapi_error_t set_mac_address ( uint8_t *  mac_addr,
nsapi_size_t  addr_len 

Set the MAC address to the interface.

Set the provided MAC address on the network interface. The address must be unique globally. The address must be set before calling the interface connect() method.

Not all interfaces are supporting MAC address set and an error is not returned for this method call. Verify the changed MAC address by checking packet captures from the used network interface.

6-byte EUI-48 MAC addresses are used for Ethernet while Mesh interface is using 8-byte EUI-64 address.

More information about obtaining MAC address can be found from: https://standards.ieee.org/products-services/regauth/index.html

mac_addrBuffer containing the MAC address in hexadecimal format.
addr_lenLength of provided buffer in bytes (6 or 8)
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif address is not valid
NSAPI_ERROR_BUSYif address can't be set.

Reimplemented in InterfaceNanostack, and EMACInterface.

◆ get_ipv6_link_local_address() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t get_ipv6_link_local_address ( SocketAddress address)

Get the IPv6 link local address.

addressSocketAddress representation of the link local IPv6 address
Return values
NSAPI_ERROR_OKon success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTEDif this feature is not supported
NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETERif the provided pointer is invalid

Reimplemented in EMACInterface.

◆ get_interface_name()

virtual char * get_interface_name ( char *  interface_name)

Get the network interface name.

Null-terminated representation of the network interface name or null if interface not exists

Reimplemented in AT_CellularContext, EMACInterface, L3IPInterface, and PPPInterface.

◆ getaddrinfo() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo ( const char *  hostname,
SocketAddress hints,
SocketAddress **  res,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses with specific version using network interface name.

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

hostnameHostname to resolve.
hintsPointer to a SocketAddress with query parameters.
resPointer to a SocketAddress array to store the result..
interface_nameNetwork interface name
number of results on success, negative error code on failure.

Implements DNS.

◆ gethostbyname_async() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t gethostbyname_async ( const char *  host,
hostbyname_cb_t  callback,
nsapi_version_t  version = NSAPI_UNSPEC,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translate a hostname to an IP address (asynchronous) using network interface name.

The hostname may be either a domain name or a dotted IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

Call is non-blocking. Result of the DNS operation is returned by the callback. If this function returns failure, callback will not be called. In case result is success (IP address was found from DNS cache), callback will be called before function returns.

hostHostname to resolve.
callbackCallback that is called for result.
versionIP version of address to resolve, NSAPI_UNSPEC indicates version is chosen by the stack (defaults to NSAPI_UNSPEC).
interface_nameNetwork interface name
0 on immediate success, negative error code on immediate failure or a positive unique id that represents the hostname translation operation and can be passed to cancel.

Implements DNS.

◆ getaddrinfo_async() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo_async ( const char *  hostname,
SocketAddress hints,
hostbyname_cb_t  callback,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses (asynchronous) using network interface name.

The hostname may be either a domain name or a dotted IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

Call is non-blocking. Result of the DNS operation is returned by the callback. If this function returns failure, callback will not be called. In case result is success (IP address was found from DNS cache), callback will be called before function returns.

hostnameHostname to resolve.
hintsPointer to a SocketAddress with query parameters.
callbackCallback that is called for result.
interface_nameNetwork interface name
0 on immediate success, negative error code on immediate failure or a positive unique id that represents the hostname translation operation and can be passed to cancel.

Implements DNS.

◆ gethostbyname_async_cancel() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname_async_cancel ( int  id)

Cancel asynchronous hostname translation.

When translation is cancelled, callback will not be called.

idUnique id of the hostname translation operation (returned by gethostbyname_async)
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure.

Implements DNS.

◆ get_dns_server() [2/2]

virtual nsapi_error_t get_dns_server ( int  index,
SocketAddress address,
const char *  interface_name = NULL 

Get a domain name server from a list of servers to query.

Returns a DNS server address for a index. If returns error no more DNS servers to read.

indexIndex of the DNS server, starts from zero
addressDestination for the host address
interface_nameNetwork interface name
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, negative error code on failure

◆ add_event_listener()

void add_event_listener ( mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)>  status_cb)

Add event listener for interface.

This API allows multiple callback to be registered for a single interface. When first called, internal list of event handlers are created and registered to interface through attach() API.

Application may only use attach() or add_event_listener() interface. Mixing usage of both leads to undefined behavior.

This version of the function does not use the std::nothrow feature. Subsequently, the function may fail to allocate memory and cause a system error. To use the new version with the changes, set "nsapi.add-event-listener-return-change": 1 in the target overrides section in your mbed_app.json file.
status_cbThe callback for status changes.

◆ set_blocking()

virtual nsapi_error_t set_blocking ( bool  blocking)

Set asynchronous operation of connect() and disconnect() calls.

By default, interfaces are in synchronous mode which means that connect() or disconnect() blocks until it reach the target state or requested operation fails.

blockingUse false to set NetworkInterface in asynchronous mode.
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if driver does not support asynchronous mode.
negative error code on failure.

Reimplemented in AT_CellularContext, InterfaceNanostack, EMACInterface, L3IPInterface, PPPInterface, and CellularContext.

◆ ethInterface()

virtual EthInterface * ethInterface ( )

Return pointer to an EthInterface.

Pointer to requested interface type or NULL if this class doesn't implement the interface.

Reimplemented in EthInterface.

Definition at line 463 of file NetworkInterface.h.

◆ meshInterface()

virtual MeshInterface * meshInterface ( )

Return pointer to a MeshInterface.

Pointer to requested interface type or NULL if this class doesn't implement the interface.

Reimplemented in MeshInterface.

Definition at line 479 of file NetworkInterface.h.

◆ emacInterface()

virtual EMACInterface * emacInterface ( )

Return pointer to an EMACInterface.

Pointer to requested interface type or NULL if this class doesn't implement the interface.

Reimplemented in EMACInterface.

Definition at line 487 of file NetworkInterface.h.

◆ cellularInterface()

virtual CellularInterface * cellularInterface ( )

Return pointer to a CellularInterface.

Pointer to requested interface type or NULL if this class doesn't implement the interface.

Reimplemented in CellularInterface.

Definition at line 495 of file NetworkInterface.h.