Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- d -
- d : mbedtls_ecdh_context_mbed, mbedtls_ecp_keypair
- D : mbedtls_rsa_context
- d_name : dirent
- d_type : dirent
- data : GattHVXCallbackParams, GattReadAuthCallbackParams, GattReadCallbackParams, GattWriteAuthCallbackParams, GattWriteCallbackParams, C_APDU::C_APDUBody_t, CommandData_t, R_APDU
- data_rate : loramac_mcps_confirm_t, loramac_tx_message_t, lorawan_tx_metadata
- datarate : radio_fsk_settings, radio_lora_settings, rx2_channel_params, rx_config_params_t
- dateString : _QCBORItem
- day : mbedtls_x509_time
- debug_func : mbedtls_pk_info_t
- declHandle : DiscoveredCharacteristic
- decrypt_func : mbedtls_pk_info_t
- deep_sleep_time : mbed_stats_cpu_t
- demod_margin : loramac_mlme_confirm_t
- description : mbedtls_oid_descriptor_t
- descriptor : CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery::DiscoveryCallbackParams_t
- dev_addr : loramac_protocol_params, lorawan_connect_abp_t
- dev_eui : loramac_keys, lorawan_connect_otaa_t, mlme_join_req_t
- dev_nonce : loramac_protocol_params
- device_count : ws_br_info
- device_min_sens : ws_stack_state
- dfnum : _QCBORItem
- disable_interrupt : ticker_interface_t
- disable_watchdog : watchdog_features_t
- disabled : qspi_command
- dispatching : ticker_event_queue_t
- dl_dwell_time : rx_config_params_t
- dl_frame_counter : loramac_mcps_indication_t, loramac_protocol_params, multicast_params_s
- downlink_counter : lorawan_session
- downlink_dwell_time : lora_mac_system_params_t
- DP : mbedtls_rsa_context
- DQ : mbedtls_rsa_context
- dr_offset : rx_config_params_t
- dr_range : channel_params_t
- dummy : mbedtls_platform_context
- dummy_count : qspi_command
- duty_cycle : band_t