Mbed OS Reference
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ticker_event_queue_t Struct Reference

Ticker's event queue structure. More...

#include <ticker_api.h>

Data Fields

ticker_event_handler event_handler
 Event handler.
 A pointer to head.
uint32_t period_num
 Ratio of period to 1us, numerator.
uint32_t period_den
 Ratio of period to 1us, denominator.
uint32_t bitmask
 Mask to be applied to time values read.
uint32_t max_delta
 Largest delta in ticks that can be used when scheduling.
uint64_t max_delta_us
 Largest delta in us that can be used when scheduling.
uint32_t tick_last_read
 Last tick read.
uint32_t tick_remainder
 Ticks that have not been added to base_time.
us_timestamp_t present_time
 Store the timestamp used for present time.
bool initialized
 Indicate if the instance is initialized.
bool dispatching
 The function ticker_irq_handler is dispatching.
bool suspended
 Indicate if the instance is suspended.
int8_t period_num_shifts
 If numerator is a value of 2^n, this is n, otherwise -1.
int8_t period_den_shifts
 If denominator is a value of 2^n, this is n, otherwise -1.

Detailed Description

Ticker's event queue structure.

Definition at line 110 of file ticker_api.h.

Field Documentation

◆ event_handler

ticker_event_handler event_handler

Event handler.

Definition at line 111 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ head

A pointer to head.

Definition at line 112 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ period_num

uint32_t period_num

Ratio of period to 1us, numerator.

Definition at line 114 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ period_den

uint32_t period_den

Ratio of period to 1us, denominator.

Definition at line 117 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ bitmask

uint32_t bitmask

Mask to be applied to time values read.

Definition at line 120 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ max_delta

uint32_t max_delta

Largest delta in ticks that can be used when scheduling.

Definition at line 121 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ max_delta_us

uint64_t max_delta_us

Largest delta in us that can be used when scheduling.

Definition at line 124 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ tick_last_read

uint32_t tick_last_read

Last tick read.

Definition at line 126 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ tick_remainder

uint32_t tick_remainder

Ticks that have not been added to base_time.

Definition at line 128 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ present_time

us_timestamp_t present_time

Store the timestamp used for present time.

Definition at line 130 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ initialized

bool initialized

Indicate if the instance is initialized.

Definition at line 131 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ dispatching

bool dispatching

The function ticker_irq_handler is dispatching.

Definition at line 132 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ suspended

bool suspended

Indicate if the instance is suspended.

Definition at line 133 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ period_num_shifts

int8_t period_num_shifts

If numerator is a value of 2^n, this is n, otherwise -1.

Definition at line 135 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ period_den_shifts

int8_t period_den_shifts

If denominator is a value of 2^n, this is n, otherwise -1.

Definition at line 138 of file ticker_api.h.