Mbed OS Reference
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 Analogin hal functions
 Analogout hal functions
 Hardware CRC
 The Hardware CRC HAL API provides a low-level interface to the Hardware CRC module of a target platform.
 Critical Section HAL functions
 Flash HAL API
 GPIO HAL functions
 GPIO IRQ HAL functions
 I2C Events Macros
 I2C Configuration Functions
 Synchronous I2C Hardware Abstraction Layer for slave
 Asynchronous I2C Hardware Abstraction Layer
 Instrumented Trace Macrocell HAL API
 Low Power Ticker
 Low level interface to the low power ticker of a target.
 MPU hal
 The MPU hal provides a simple MPU API to enhance device security by preventing execution from ram.
 Port HAL functions
 Pwmout hal functions
 ResetReason HAL API
 Low-level interface to the ResetReason of a target.
 RTC hal
 The RTC hal provides a low level interface to the Real Time Counter (RTC) of a target.
 Serial TX Events Macros
 Serial RX Events Macros
 Serial Configuration Functions
 Asynchronous Serial Hardware Abstraction Layer
 sleep hal requirements
 Low level interface to the sleep mode of a target.
 SPI Events Macros
 SPI Configuration Functions
 Synchronous SPI Hardware Abstraction Layer
 Asynchronous SPI Hardware Abstraction Layer
 Ticker HAL functions
 TRNG hal functions
 Microsecond Ticker
 Low level interface to the microsecond ticker of a target.
 Watchdog HAL API
 Low-level interface to the Independent Watchdog Timer of a target.

Data Structures

struct  buffer_s
 Generic buffer structure. More...
struct  can_pinmap_t
struct  CAN_Message
 Holder for single CAN message. More...
struct  crc_mbed_config
struct  i2c_t
 Asynch I2C HAL structure. More...
struct  i2c_pinmap_t
class  LowPowerTickerWrapper
struct  PinMap
struct  PinList
struct  PeripheralList
struct  serial_t
 Asynch serial HAL structure. More...
struct  serial_pinmap_t
struct  serial_fc_pinmap_t
struct  spi_t
 Asynch SPI HAL structure. More...
struct  spi_pinmap_t
struct  spi_capabilities_t
 Describes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals. More...
struct  ticker_event_s
 Ticker's event structure. More...
struct  ticker_info_t
 Information about the ticker implementation. More...
struct  ticker_interface_t
 Ticker's interface structure - required API for a ticker. More...
struct  ticker_event_queue_t
 Ticker's event queue structure. More...
struct  ticker_data_t
 Ticker's data structure. More...


typedef struct analogin_s analogin_t
 Analogin hal structure.
typedef struct dac_s dac_t
 Analogout hal structure.
typedef struct buffer_s buffer_t
 Generic buffer structure.
typedef enum crc_polynomial crc_polynomial_t
 CRC Polynomial value.
typedef struct gpio_irq_s gpio_irq_t
 GPIO IRQ HAL structure.
typedef struct port_s port_t
 Port HAL structure.
typedef struct pwmout_s pwmout_t
 Pwmout hal structure.
typedef uint32_t timestamp_t
 Legacy format representing a timestamp in us.
typedef uint64_t us_timestamp_t
 A us timestamp stored in a 64 bit integer.
typedef struct ticker_event_s ticker_event_t
 Ticker's event structure.
typedef struct trng_s trng_t
 TRNG HAL structure.


enum  CANFormat
 Values that represent CAN Format. More...
enum  CANType
 Values that represent CAN Type. More...
enum  crc_polynomial {
  POLY_7BIT_SD = 0x09 , POLY_8BIT_CCITT = 0x07 , POLY_16BIT_CCITT = 0x1021 , POLY_16BIT_IBM = 0x8005 ,
  POLY_32BIT_ANSI = 0x04C11DB7
 CRC Polynomial value. More...
 Enumeration of possible DMA usage hints. More...
enum  gpio_irq_event
 GPIO IRQ events. More...
enum  SerialIrq { RxIrq , TxIrq }
 Serial interrupt sources. More...


const PinMapcan_rd_pinmap (void)
 Get the pins that support CAN RD.
const PinMapcan_td_pinmap (void)
 Get the pins that support CAN TD.
void lp_ticker_wrapper_irq_handler (ticker_irq_handler_type handler)
 Interrupt handler for the wrapped lp ticker.
const ticker_data_tget_lp_ticker_wrapper_data (const ticker_data_t *data)
 Get wrapped lp ticker data.
void lp_ticker_wrapper_suspend (void)
 Suspend the wrapper layer code.
void lp_ticker_wrapper_resume (void)
 Resume the wrapper layer code.
bool pinmap_find_peripheral_pins (const PinList *whitelist, const PinList *blacklist, int per, const PinMap *const *maps, PinName **pins, uint32_t count)
 Find a combination of pins suitable for use given the constraints.
bool pinmap_list_has_pin (const PinList *list, PinName pin)
 Check if the pin is in the list.
bool pinmap_list_has_peripheral (const PeripheralList *list, int peripheral)
 Check if the peripheral is in the list.
const PinListpinmap_restricted_pins (void)
 Get the pin list of pins to avoid during testing.
const PeripheralListpinmap_uart_restricted_peripherals (void)
 Get the pin list of peripherals per interface to avoid during testing.
const PinListpinmap_gpio_restricted_pins (void)
 Get the pin list of pins to avoid during GPIO/GPIO_IRQ testing.
USBPhyget_usb_phy ()
 Return a the USBPhy instance for this hardware.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ analogin_t

typedef struct analogin_s analogin_t

Analogin hal structure.

analogin_s is declared in the target's hal

Definition at line 34 of file analogin_api.h.

◆ dac_t

typedef struct dac_s dac_t

Analogout hal structure.

dac_s is declared in the target's hal

Definition at line 34 of file analogout_api.h.

◆ buffer_t

typedef struct buffer_s buffer_t

Generic buffer structure.

◆ crc_polynomial_t

CRC Polynomial value.

Different polynomial values supported

◆ gpio_irq_t

typedef struct gpio_irq_s gpio_irq_t

GPIO IRQ HAL structure.

gpio_irq_s is declared in the target's HAL

Definition at line 42 of file gpio_irq_api.h.

◆ port_t

typedef struct port_s port_t

Port HAL structure.

port_s is declared in the target's HAL

Definition at line 33 of file port_api.h.

◆ pwmout_t

typedef struct pwmout_s pwmout_t

Pwmout hal structure.

pwmout_s is declared in the target's hal

Definition at line 34 of file pwmout_api.h.

◆ timestamp_t

typedef uint32_t timestamp_t

Legacy format representing a timestamp in us.

Given it is modeled as a 32 bit integer, this type can represent timestamp up to 4294 seconds (71 minutes). Prefer using us_timestamp_t which store timestamp as 64 bits integer.

Definition at line 33 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ us_timestamp_t

typedef uint64_t us_timestamp_t

A us timestamp stored in a 64 bit integer.

Can store timestamp up to 584810 years.

Definition at line 39 of file ticker_api.h.

◆ ticker_event_t

Ticker's event structure.

◆ trng_t

typedef struct trng_s trng_t

TRNG HAL structure.

trng_s is declared in the target's HAL

Definition at line 30 of file trng_api.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CANFormat

enum CANFormat

Values that represent CAN Format.

Definition at line 35 of file can_helper.h.

◆ CANType

enum CANType

Values that represent CAN Type.

Definition at line 48 of file can_helper.h.

◆ crc_polynomial

CRC Polynomial value.

Different polynomial values supported











Definition at line 30 of file crc_api.h.

◆ DMAUsage

enum DMAUsage

Enumeration of possible DMA usage hints.


Never use DMA.


Use DMA if possible but deallocate DMA resources when not being used.


Always use DMA when possible.

Definition at line 32 of file dma_api.h.

◆ gpio_irq_event

GPIO IRQ events.

Definition at line 34 of file gpio_irq_api.h.

◆ SerialIrq

enum SerialIrq

Serial interrupt sources.


Receive Data Register Full.


Transmit Data Register Empty.

Definition at line 75 of file serial_api.h.

Function Documentation

◆ can_rd_pinmap()

const PinMap * can_rd_pinmap ( void  )

Get the pins that support CAN RD.

Return a PinMap array of pins that support CAN RD. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.

PinMap array

◆ can_td_pinmap()

const PinMap * can_td_pinmap ( void  )

Get the pins that support CAN TD.

Return a PinMap array of pins that support CAN TD. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.

PinMap array

◆ lp_ticker_wrapper_irq_handler()

void lp_ticker_wrapper_irq_handler ( ticker_irq_handler_type  handler)

Interrupt handler for the wrapped lp ticker.

handlerthe function which would normally be called by the lp ticker handler when it is not wrapped

◆ get_lp_ticker_wrapper_data()

const ticker_data_t * get_lp_ticker_wrapper_data ( const ticker_data_t data)

Get wrapped lp ticker data.

datahardware low power ticker object
wrapped low power ticker object

◆ lp_ticker_wrapper_suspend()

void lp_ticker_wrapper_suspend ( void  )

Suspend the wrapper layer code.

Pass through all interrupts to the low power ticker and stop using the microsecond ticker.

: Make sure to suspend the LP ticker first (call ticker_suspend()), otherwise the behavior is undefined.

◆ lp_ticker_wrapper_resume()

void lp_ticker_wrapper_resume ( void  )

Resume the wrapper layer code.

Resume operation of the wrapper layer. Interrupts will be filtered as normal and the microsecond timer will be used for interrupts scheduled too quickly back-to-back.

◆ pinmap_find_peripheral_pins()

bool pinmap_find_peripheral_pins ( const PinList whitelist,
const PinList blacklist,
int  per,
const PinMap *const *  maps,
PinName **  pins,
uint32_t  count 

Find a combination of pins suitable for use given the constraints.

This function finds pins which meet these specific properties:

  • The pin is part of the form factor
  • The pin is not in the restricted list
  • The pin is contained within the respective pinmap
  • The pin belongs to the given peripheral
  • Each pin found is distinct; in the example below mosi and miso will never be assigned the same pin


#include "mbed.h"
#include "pinmap.h"
int main()
int per = spi_master_cs_pinmap()->peripheral;
const PinList *pins_ff = pinmap_ff_default_pins();
const PinList *pins_avoid = pinmap_restricted_pins();
PinName mosi = NC;
PinName miso = NC;
PinName sclk = NC;
PinName ssel = NC;
const PinMap *maps[] = {
PinName *pins[] = {
if (pinmap_find_peripheral_pins(pins_ff, pins_avoid, per, maps, pins, sizeof(maps) / sizeof(maps[0]))) {
printf("Found SPI pins to test instance %i with:\n"
" mosi=%s\n"
" miso=%s\n"
" sclk=%s\n"
" ssel=%s\n", per,
} else {
printf("Could not find SPI combination to test %i\n", per);
return 0;
const PinMap * spi_master_cs_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CS.
const PinMap * spi_master_mosi_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MOSI.
const PinMap * spi_master_clk_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CLK.
const PinMap * spi_master_miso_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MISO.
bool pinmap_find_peripheral_pins(const PinList *whitelist, const PinList *blacklist, int per, const PinMap *const *maps, PinName **pins, uint32_t count)
Find a combination of pins suitable for use given the constraints.
const PinList * pinmap_restricted_pins(void)
Get the pin list of pins to avoid during testing.
whitelistList of pins to choose from
blacklistList of pins which cannot be used
perPeripheral to which the pins belong
mapsAn array of pin maps to select from
pinsAn array of pins to find. Pins already set to a value will be left unchanged. Only pins initialized to NC will be updated by this function
countThe size of maps and pins
true if a suitable combination of pins was found and written to the pins array, otherwise false

◆ pinmap_list_has_pin()

bool pinmap_list_has_pin ( const PinList list,
PinName  pin 

Check if the pin is in the list.

listpin list to check
pinpin to check for in the list
true if the pin is in the list, false otherwise

◆ pinmap_list_has_peripheral()

bool pinmap_list_has_peripheral ( const PeripheralList list,
int  peripheral 

Check if the peripheral is in the list.

listperipheral list to check
peripheralperipheral to check for in the list
true if the peripheral is in the list, false otherwise

◆ pinmap_restricted_pins()

const PinList * pinmap_restricted_pins ( void  )

Get the pin list of pins to avoid during testing.

The restricted pin list is used to indicate to testing that a pin should be skipped due to some caveat about it. For example, using CONSOLE_RX and CONSOLE_TX during tests will interfere with the test runner and should be avoided.

Targets should override the weak implementation of this function if they have additional pins which should be skipped during testing.

Pointer to a pin list of pins to avoid

◆ pinmap_uart_restricted_peripherals()

const PeripheralList * pinmap_uart_restricted_peripherals ( void  )

Get the pin list of peripherals per interface to avoid during testing.

The restricted peripheral list is used to indicate to testing that a peripheral should be skipped due to some caveat about it. For example, using the USB serial port during tests will interfere with the test runner and should be avoided.

Targets should override the weak implementation of this function if they have peripherals which should be skipped during testing.

Restricting peripheral is at the moment available for UART interface only as only STDIO UART must be skipped because it is used by Mbed. Restricting peripherals for other interfaces should be added in the future if required.
Pointer to a peripheral list of peripheral to avoid

◆ pinmap_gpio_restricted_pins()

const PinList * pinmap_gpio_restricted_pins ( void  )

Get the pin list of pins to avoid during GPIO/GPIO_IRQ testing.

The GPIO restricted pin list is used to indicate to testing that a pin should be skipped due to some caveat about it.

Targets should override the weak implementation of this function if they have peripherals which should be skipped during testing.

This is special case only for GPIO/GPIO_IRQ tests because targets do not provide pin-maps for GPIO.
Pointer to a peripheral list of peripheral to avoid

◆ get_usb_phy()

USBPhy * get_usb_phy ( )

Return a the USBPhy instance for this hardware.

For details on adding support for a USBPhy see the specification in USBPhy.h.

A pointer to a USBPhy instance
Calling this function on platforms without a USBPhy will result in an error