Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- d -
- data() : byte_array_t< array_size >, CacheAlignedBuffer< DataT >, Span< ElementType, Extent >, Span< ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT >
- data_received() : AT_ControlPlane_netif, ControlPlane_netif
- DataFlashBlockDevice() : DataFlashBlockDevice
- debug() : SDBlockDevice
- debug_on() : ATCmdParser
- deinit() : DataFlashBlockDevice, FlashIAPBlockDevice, I2CEEBlockDevice, BlockDevice, BufferedBlockDevice, ChainingBlockDevice, ExhaustibleBlockDevice, FileSystemStore, FlashIAP, FlashSimBlockDevice, HeapBlockDevice, KVMap, KVStore, MBRBlockDevice, ObservingBlockDevice, ProfilingBlockDevice, ReadOnlyBlockDevice, SecureStore, SlicingBlockDevice, TDBStore, OSPIFBlockDevice, QSPIFBlockDevice, SDBlockDevice, SPIFBlockDevice, USBDevice, USBPhy, USBPhyHw
- delay() : Event< void(ArgTs...)>, UserAllocatedEvent< F, void(ArgTs...)>
- delete_context() : AT_CellularDevice, CellularDevice
- dequeue() : LinkedList< T >, LinkedListBase
- dequeue_raw() : OperationList< T >, OperationListBase
- deselect() : SPI
- destroy() : SingletonPtr< T >
- destroyAdvertisingSet() : Gap
- detach() : CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< ContextType >, AT_CellularNetwork, CellularNetwork, KVMap, TickerBase
- device_eui64_get() : ThreadInterface
- device_eui64_set() : ThreadInterface
- device_inject_root_of_trust() : DeviceKey
- device_pskd_set() : ThreadInterface
- DeviceInformationService() : DeviceInformationService
- DigitalIn() : DigitalIn
- DigitalInOut() : DigitalInOut
- DigitalOut() : DigitalOut
- Dir() : Dir
- disable() : CriticalSectionLock
- disable_adaptive_datarate() : LoRaWANInterface
- disable_irq() : InterruptIn
- disablePhy() : ConnectionParameters
- disconnect() : CellularInterface, EMACInterface, ESP32Interface, ESP32InterfaceAP, InterfaceNanostack, L3IPInterface, LoRaWANInterface, AT_CellularContext, CellularContext, NFCRemoteEndpoint, Type4RemoteInitiator, NetworkInterface, PPPInterface, USBAudio, USBDevice, USBMSD, USBPhy, USBPhyHw, WiFiInterface
- disconnected() : NFCRemoteEndpoint, NFCRemoteInitiator
- discoverCharacteristicDescriptors() : GattClient
- discoverDescriptors() : DiscoveredCharacteristic
- DiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptor() : DiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptor
- DiscoveredService() : DiscoveredService
- discoverServices() : GattClient
- dispatch() : EventQueue, PolledQueue
- dispatch_for() : EventQueue
- dispatch_forever() : EventQueue
- dispatch_once() : EventQueue
- do_connect() : AT_CellularContext, CellularContext
- do_connect_with_retry() : CellularContext
- do_initialize() : AP3CordioHCIDriver
- do_terminate() : AP3CordioHCIDriver
- do_user_authentication() : ALT1250_PPP_CellularContext, AT_CellularContext
- double_click() : USBMouse
- doubleClick() : USBMouseKeyboard
- drop_channel_list() : LoRaWANStack
- DTLSSocket() : DTLSSocket
- DTLSSocketWrapper() : DTLSSocketWrapper
- Duration() : Duration< Rep, TB, Range, Forever >
- durationCast() : Duration< Rep, TB, Range, Forever >
- DynamicCacheAlignedBuffer() : DynamicCacheAlignedBuffer< DataT >