Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- r -
- radio_reset() : LoRaRadio, STM32WL_LoRaRadio, SX126X_LoRaRadio, SX1272_LoRaRadio, SX1276_LoRaRadio
- random() : LoRaRadio, STM32WL_LoRaRadio, SX126X_LoRaRadio, SX1272_LoRaRadio, SX1276_LoRaRadio
- random_address_type_t() : random_address_type_t
- rbegin() : Span< ElementType, Extent >, Span< ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT >
- rderror() : CAN
- read() : GattClient, GattServer, ByteBuffer, DataFlashBlockDevice, DiscoveredCharacteristic::Properties_t, DiscoveredCharacteristic, FlashIAPBlockDevice, I2CEEBlockDevice, AnalogIn, AnalogOut, ATCmdParser, BlockDevice, BufferedBlockDevice, BufferedSerial, BusIn, BusInOut, BusOut, CAN, ChainingBlockDevice, DigitalIn, DigitalInOut, DigitalOut, Dir, DirHandle, ExhaustibleBlockDevice, File, FileHandle, FlashIAP, FlashSimBlockDevice, HeapBlockDevice, I2C, I2CSlave, InterruptIn, LocalFileHandle, MBRBlockDevice, ObservingBlockDevice, OSPI, PortIn, PortInOut, PortOut, ProfilingBlockDevice, PwmOut, QSPI, ReadOnlyBlockDevice, SerialBase, SerialWireOutput, SlicingBlockDevice, SPISlave, Stream, UnbufferedSerial, OSPIFBlockDevice, QSPIFBlockDevice, SDBlockDevice, SPIFBlockDevice, USBAudio, USBHID, USBMIDI
- read_byte() : I2C
- read_bytes() : ATHandler, NFCEEPROMDriver, M24srDriver
- read_finish() : USBDevice
- read_hex_string() : ATHandler
- read_int() : ATHandler
- read_mac_statistics() : WisunInterface
- read_max_size() : NFCEEPROMDriver, M24srDriver
- read_nb() : USBAudio, USBHID
- read_ndef_message() : NFCEEPROM, NFCTarget
- read_nw_statistics() : WisunInterface
- read_overflows() : USBAudio
- read_packet_filter() : USBCDC_ECM
- read_period_us() : PwmOut
- read_pulsewidth_us() : PwmOut
- read_pulsewitdth_us() : PwmOut
- read_ready() : USBAudio
- read_size() : NFCEEPROMDriver, M24srDriver
- read_start() : USBDevice
- read_string() : ATHandler
- read_u16() : AnalogIn
- read_voltage() : AnalogIn
- read_wait_ready() : USBAudio
- readable() : BufferedSerial, FileHandle, SerialBase, UnbufferedSerial, USBMIDI, USBSerial
- ReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic() : ReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic< T, NUM_ELEMENTS >
- ReadOnlyBlockDevice() : ReadOnlyBlockDevice
- ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic() : ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic< T >
- readPhy() : Gap
- ReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristic() : ReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristic< T, NUM_ELEMENTS >
- ReadWriteGattCharacteristic() : ReadWriteGattCharacteristic< T >
- receive() : LoRaRadio, LoRaWANInterface, I2CSlave, SPISlave, STM32WL_LoRaRadio, SX126X_LoRaRadio, SX1272_LoRaRadio, SX1276_LoRaRadio
- receive_nb() : USBCDC, USBCDC_ECM
- Record() : Record
- RecordParser() : RecordParser
- RecordParserChain() : RecordParserChain
- RecordType() : RecordType
- recv() : InternetDatagramSocket, AT_ControlPlane_netif, ATCmdParser, CellularNonIPSocket, ControlPlane_netif, Socket, TCPSocket, TLSSocketWrapper
- recvfrom() : InternetDatagramSocket, CellularNonIPSocket, Socket, TCPSocket, TLSSocketWrapper
- recvfrom_control() : InternetDatagramSocket, CellularNonIPSocket, Socket, TCPSocket, TLSSocketWrapper
- reformat() : FATFileSystem, FileSystem, LittleFileSystem2, LittleFileSystem
- register_to_network() : AT_CellularContext, CellularContext, CellularDevice
- release() : Semaphore, USBMouse, USBMouseKeyboard
- remaining_time() : TimeoutBase
- remote_wakeup() : USBPhy, USBPhyHw
- remove() : LinkedListBase, FATFileSystem, FileSystem, FileSystemHandle, FileSystemStore, KVStore, LittleFileSystem2, LittleFileSystem, LocalFileSystem, SecureStore, TDBStore, OperationList< T >, OperationListBase
- remove_a_channel() : LoRaWANStack
- remove_all() : OperationListBase
- remove_channel() : LoRaWANInterface
- remove_channel_plan() : LoRaWANInterface
- remove_event() : TickerDataClock
- remove_ipv4_multicast_group() : L3IP
- remove_ipv6_multicast_group() : L3IP
- remove_link_check_request() : LoRaWANInterface, LoRaWANStack
- remove_multicast_group() : EMAC, EMW3080B_EMAC, WICED_EMAC
- remove_oob() : ATCmdParser
- remove_own_certificates() : WisunInterface
- remove_trusted_certificates() : WisunInterface
- removeData() : AdvertisingDataBuilder
- removeDeviceFromPeriodicAdvertiserList() : Gap
- removeEventHandler() : ChainableEventHandler< T >
- rename() : FATFileSystem, FileSystem, FileSystemHandle, LittleFileSystem2, LittleFileSystem
- rend() : Span< ElementType, Extent >, Span< ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT >
- replaceData() : AdvertisingDataBuilder
- reply() : SPISlave
- requestAuthentication() : SecurityManager
- requestPairing() : SecurityManager
- reserved_data_get() : TDBStore
- reserved_data_set() : TDBStore
- reset() : AdvertisingDataParser, Gap, GattClient, GattServer, SecurityManager, EndpointResolver, CAN, CellularStateMachine, CircularBuffer< T, BufferSize, CounterType >, FileSystemStore, KVStore, MessageBuilder, NFCEEPROMDriver, M24srDriver, ProfilingBlockDevice, SecureStore, SharedPtr< T >, TDBStore, ServiceDiscovery, USBPhyEvents
- reset_statistics() : WisunInterface
- resize() : ByteBuffer
- resource_lock() : ppp_service
- resource_unlock() : ppp_service
- resp_start() : ATHandler
- resp_stop() : ATHandler
- restore_at_timeout() : ATHandler
- resume() : LowPowerTickerWrapper, PwmOut, TickerDataClock
- rewind() : Dir, DirHandle, File, FileHandle, Stream
- rf_protocols() : NFCRemoteEndpoint, Type4RemoteInitiator
- rf_register() : NanostackRfPhy
- rf_test_end() : CordioHCIDriver
- rf_test_start_le_receiver_test() : CordioHCIDriver
- rf_test_start_le_transmitter_test() : CordioHCIDriver
- rf_unregister() : NanostackRfPhy
- rise() : InterruptIn
- routing_table_get() : WisunBorderRouter
- run_to_state() : CellularStateMachine