Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- i -
- I2C() : I2C
- I2CEEBlockDevice() : I2CEEBlockDevice
- I2CSlave() : I2CSlave
- ICMPSocket() : ICMPSocket
- in() : USBPhyEvents
- includeTxPowerInHeader() : AdvertisingParameters
- indicate() : DiscoveredCharacteristic::Properties_t
- info_elem() : ATHandler
- info_get() : WisunBorderRouter, WisunInterface
- info_resp() : ATHandler
- init() : BLE, SecurityManager, DataFlashBlockDevice, FlashIAPBlockDevice, I2CEEBlockDevice, LoRaWANTimeHandler, AT_CellularDevice, BlockDevice, BufferedBlockDevice, CellularDevice, ChainingBlockDevice, ExhaustibleBlockDevice, FileSystemStore, FlashIAP, FlashSimBlockDevice, GEMALTO_CINTERION, HeapBlockDevice, KVMap, KVStore, MBRBlockDevice, ObservingBlockDevice, ONBOARD_TELIT_ME310, ONBOARD_TELIT_ME910, ProfilingBlockDevice, ReadOnlyBlockDevice, RealTimeClock, RM1000_AT, SecureStore, SlicingBlockDevice, TDBStore, TELIT_HE910, TELIT_ME310, TELIT_ME910, OSPIFBlockDevice, QSPIFBlockDevice, SDBlockDevice, SPIFBlockDevice, USBDevice, USBPhy, USBPhyHw
- init_radio() : LoRaRadio, STM32WL_LoRaRadio, SX126X_LoRaRadio, SX1272_LoRaRadio, SX1276_LoRaRadio
- initialize() : AP3CordioHCITransportDriver, CordioHCIDriver, CordioHCITransportDriver, H4TransportDriver, NRFCordioHCITransportDriver, IPCPipeTransportDriver, CyH4TransportDriver, LoRaWANInterface, NFCController, NFCControllerDriver, NFCEEPROM, PN512Driver, PN512TransportDriver, MeshInterfaceNanostack
- initialize_mac_layer() : LoRaWANStack
- input() : BusInOut, DigitalInOut, PortInOut
- insert_event() : TickerDataClock
- Instance() : BLE
- InterruptIn() : InterruptIn
- invalidTag() : base
- io_capability_t() : io_capability_t
- IPCPipeTransportDriver() : IPCPipeTransportDriver
- irq_handler() : LowPowerTickerWrapper
- is_active_context() : AT_CellularNetwork, CellularNetwork
- is_addr_stack_compatible() : AT_CellularStack
- is_blocking() : BufferedSerial, FileHandle
- is_connected() : CellularInterface, AT_CellularContext, CellularContext, DigitalIn, DigitalInOut, DigitalOut, NFCRemoteEndpoint, Type4RemoteInitiator
- is_disconnected() : NFCRemoteEndpoint, Type4RemoteInitiator
- is_iso7816_supported() : NFCRemoteInitiator, Type4RemoteInitiator
- is_message_complete() : MessageBuilder
- is_ndef_supported() : NFCNDEFCapable, Type4RemoteInitiator
- is_ready() : AT_CellularDevice, CellularDevice
- is_running() : Watchdog
- is_valid_erase() : FlashIAPBlockDevice, BlockDevice, SlicingBlockDevice
- is_valid_key() : KVStore
- is_valid_program() : BlockDevice, SlicingBlockDevice
- is_valid_read() : BlockDevice, SlicingBlockDevice
- isActive() : ServiceDiscovery
- isActiveScanningSet() : ScanParameters::phy_configuration_t
- isAdvertisingActive() : Gap
- isatty() : BufferedSerial, File, FileHandle, LocalFileHandle, SerialWireOutput, Stream, UnbufferedSerial
- isCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryActive() : GattClient
- isConnected() : AdvertisingEndEvent
- isenabled() : RealTimeClock
- isEventHandlerPresent() : ChainableEventHandler< T >
- isFeatureSupported() : Gap
- isForever() : Duration< Rep, TB, Range, Forever >
- isLegacy() : AdvertisingEndEvent
- isOnDataReadAvailable() : GattServer
- isPeriodicAdvertisingActive() : Gap
- isPeriodicIntervalPresent() : AdvertisingReportEvent
- isReadable() : GattCharacteristic
- isReadAllowed() : GattAttribute
- isReadAuthorizationEnabled() : GattCharacteristic
- isServiceDiscoveryActive() : GattClient
- isWritable() : GattCharacteristic
- isWriteAllowed() : GattAttribute
- isWriteAuthorizationEnabled() : GattCharacteristic
- iterator_close() : FileSystemStore, KVStore, SecureStore, TDBStore
- iterator_next() : FileSystemStore, KVStore, SecureStore, TDBStore
- iterator_open() : FileSystemStore, KVStore, SecureStore, TDBStore