Mbed OS Reference
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NbleEntry namespace for all BLE API definitions
 NSafeBool_Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation
 C_mbed_error_ctxMbed_error_ctx struct
 C_QCBORItemQCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem()
 Cargs_tFlash algo argument structure Contains all registers that should be preserved
 CAsyncOpBase class for asynchronous operations in the USB stack
 Cattest_token_ctxThe context for creating an attestation token
 Cband_tDefault user application maximum data size for transmission
 CBatteryServiceBLE Battery service
 Cbuffer_sGeneric buffer structure
 Ccaliberation_params_tRepresents a calibration configuration
 Ccalibration_params_tRepresents a calibration configuration
 CCallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContextFunction like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext
 CCAN_MessageHolder for single CAN message
 CCellularInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between cellular interfaces
 CChainableEventHandlerBase class for chainable EventHandlers
 CChainableGapEventHandlerGap::EventHandler implementation that allows the application to register multiple separate EventHandlers to be called when Gap events happen
 CChainableGattServerEventHandlerGattServer::EventHandler implementation that allows the application to register multiple separate EventHandlers to be called when GattServer events happen
 CCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryDefinitions of events and event handlers that the characteristic descriptor discovery procedure uses
 Ccore_util_atomic_flagA lock-free, primitive atomic flag
 CCThunkClass for created a pointer with data bound to it
 Ccy_hw_crypto_tCRYPTO object
 CDataFlashBlockDeviceBlockDevice for DataFlash flash devices
 CDeviceInformationServiceBLE Device Information Service Service: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/services/Pages/ServiceViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.service.device_information.xml Manufacturer Name String Char: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.manufacturer_name_string.xml
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicRepresentation of a characteristic discovered
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptorRepresentation of a characteristic descriptor discovered
 CDiscoveredServiceRepresentation of a GATT service discovered
 CDNSBase class for DNS provider
 CDTLSSocketDTLSSocket implement DTLS stream over UDP Socket
 CDTLSSocketWrapperDTLSSocketWrapper implement DTLS stream over the existing Socket transport
 Cecc_key_tStructure definition to carry pointer and size information about an Elliptic curve key which is stored in a buffer(key_buf) in raw format (without encoding):
 CEMACThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an EMAC device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CEMACInterfaceEMACInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an EMAC-based driver
 CEndpointResolverUtility class for resolving endpoints
 CEnvironmentalServiceBLE Environmental Service
 CESP32InterfaceESP32Interface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP32
 CESP32InterfaceAPESP32Interface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP32
 CESP32StackESP32Stack class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP32
 CEthernetInterfaceImplementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver
 CEthInterfaceCommon interface between Ethernet hardware
 Cflash_algo_tTarget flash algorithm structure
 Cflash_sTarget flash configuration For targets not supporting TrustZone, its flash_set_target_config must define target_config
 Cflash_target_config_tFlash configuration structure
 CFlashIAPBlockDeviceBlockDevice using the FlashIAP API
 CFunctionPointerWithContextFunction like object adapter over freestanding and member functions
 CGattAttributeRepresentation of a GattServer attribute
 CGattCharacteristicRepresentation of a GattServer characteristic
 CGattDataSentCallbackParamsGatt Data Sent Attribute related events
 CGattHVXCallbackParamsHandle Value Notification/Indication event
 CGattReadAuthCallbackParamsGATT read authorization request event
 CGattReadCallbackParamsGATT Read event definition
 CGattServiceRepresentation of a GattServer service
 CGattUpdatesChangedCallbackParamsGatt Updates Changed Attribute related events
 CGattWriteAuthCallbackParamsGATT write authorization request event
 CGattWriteCallbackParamsGATT Write event definition
 Cgpio_capabilities_tGPIO capabilities for a given pin
 CHealthThermometerServiceBLE Health Thermometer Service
 CHeartRateServiceBLE Heart Rate Service
 Ci2c_tAsynch I2C HAL structure
 CI2CEEBlockDeviceBlockDevice for I2C based flash device such as Microchip's 24LC or ATMEL's AT24C ranges
 CICMPSocketICMP socket implementation
 CinfoThe key size
 CInternetDatagramSocketInternetDatagramSocket socket implementation
 CInternetSocketSocket implementation that uses IP network stack
 CL3IPThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an l3ip device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CL3IPInterfaceL3IPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an IP-based driver
 Clfs2_cacheInternal littlefs data structures ///
 Clfs_entryLittlefs data structures ///
 CLinkLossServiceThis service defines behavior when a link is lost between two devices
 Cloramac_tx_message_tStack level TX message structure
 CLoRaRadioInterface for the radios, containing the main functions that a radio needs, and five callback functions
 Clorawan_app_callbacks_tStack level callback functions
 Clorawan_connectLorawan_connect_t structure
 Clorawan_connect_abp_tThe lorawan_connect_abp structure
 Clorawan_connect_otaa_tThe lorawan_connect_otaa structure
 Clorawan_rx_metadataMeta-data collection for the received packet
 Clorawan_sessionLoRaWAN session
 Clorawan_tx_metadataMeta-data collection for a transmission
 CLoRaWANInterfaceLoRaWANInterface Class A network interface for LoRaWAN
 CLoRaWANStackLoRaWANStack Class A controller layer for LoRaWAN MAC and PHY
 CLoRaWANTimeHandler/ _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ ____ | ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| __)_____)____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech
 CLoWPANNDInterface6LoWPAN-ND mesh network interface class
 Cmbed_stats_cpu_tStruct mbed_stats_cpu_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_heap_tStruct mbed_stats_heap_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_socket_tStructure to parse socket statistics
 Cmbed_stats_stack_tStruct mbed_stats_stack_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_sys_tStruct mbed_stats_sys_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_thread_tStruct mbed_stats_thread_t definition
 CMbedCRCCRC object provides CRC generation through hardware or software
 Cmbedtls_aes_contextThe AES context-type definition
 Cmbedtls_arc4_contextARC4 context structure
 Cmbedtls_aria_contextThe ARIA context-type definition
 Cmbedtls_asn1_bitstringContainer for ASN1 bit strings
 Cmbedtls_asn1_bufType-length-value structure that allows for ASN1 using DER
 Cmbedtls_asn1_named_dataContainer for a sequence or list of 'named' ASN.1 data items
 Cmbedtls_asn1_sequenceContainer for a sequence of ASN.1 items
 Cmbedtls_blowfish_contextBlowfish context structure
 Cmbedtls_camellia_contextCAMELLIA context structure
 Cmbedtls_ccm_contextThe CCM context-type definition
 Cmbedtls_cipher_base_tBase cipher information
 Cmbedtls_cipher_context_tGeneric cipher context
 Cmbedtls_cipher_info_tCipher information
 Cmbedtls_cmac_context_tThe CMAC context structure
 Cmbedtls_ctr_drbg_contextThe CTR_DRBG context structure
 Cmbedtls_des3_contextTriple-DES context structure
 Cmbedtls_des_contextDES context structure
 Cmbedtls_dhm_contextThe DHM context structure
 Cmbedtls_ecdh_contextThe ECDH context structure
 Cmbedtls_ecdh_context_mbedThe context used by the default ECDH implementation
 Cmbedtls_ecjpake_contextEC J-PAKE context structure
 Cmbedtls_ecp_curve_infoCurve information, for use by other modules
 Cmbedtls_ecp_groupThe ECP group structure
 Cmbedtls_ecp_keypairThe ECP key-pair structure
 Cmbedtls_ecp_pointThe ECP point structure, in Jacobian coordinates
 Cmbedtls_entropy_contextEntropy context structure
 Cmbedtls_entropy_source_stateEntropy source state
 Cmbedtls_gcm_contextThe GCM context structure
 Cmbedtls_havege_stateHAVEGE state structure
 Cmbedtls_hmac_drbg_contextHMAC_DRBG context
 Cmbedtls_md2_contextMD2 context structure
 Cmbedtls_md4_contextMD4 context structure
 Cmbedtls_md5_contextMD5 context structure
 Cmbedtls_md_context_tThe generic message-digest context
 Cmbedtls_md_info_tMessage digest information
 Cmbedtls_mpiMPI structure
 Cmbedtls_net_contextWrapper type for sockets
 Cmbedtls_nist_kw_contextThe key wrapping context-type definition
 Cmbedtls_oid_descriptor_tBase OID descriptor structure
 Cmbedtls_pk_contextPublic key container
 Cmbedtls_pk_debug_itemItem to send to the debug module
 Cmbedtls_pk_rsassa_pss_optionsOptions for RSASSA-PSS signature verification
 Cmbedtls_platform_contextThe platform context structure
 Cmbedtls_psa_stats_sStatistics about resource consumption related to the PSA keystore
 Cmbedtls_ripemd160_contextRIPEMD-160 context structure
 Cmbedtls_rsa_contextThe RSA context structure
 Cmbedtls_sha1_contextThe SHA-1 context structure
 Cmbedtls_sha256_contextThe SHA-256 context structure
 Cmbedtls_sha512_contextThe SHA-512 context structure
 Cmbedtls_ssl_cache_contextCache context
 Cmbedtls_ssl_cache_entryThis structure is used for storing cache entries
 Cmbedtls_ssl_ciphersuite_tThis structure is used for storing ciphersuite information
 Cmbedtls_ssl_configSSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures
 Cmbedtls_ssl_cookie_ctxContext for the default cookie functions
 Cmbedtls_ssl_key_setThe data structure holding the cryptographic material (key and IV) used for record protection in TLS 1.3
 Cmbedtls_ssl_ticket_contextContext for session ticket handling functions
 Cmbedtls_ssl_ticket_keyInformation for session ticket protection
 Cmbedtls_timing_delay_contextContext for mbedtls_timing_set/get_delay()
 Cmbedtls_timing_hr_timeTimer structure
 Cmbedtls_x509_crlCertificate revocation list structure
 Cmbedtls_x509_crl_entryCertificate revocation list entry
 Cmbedtls_x509_crtContainer for an X.509 certificate
 Cmbedtls_x509_crt_profileSecurity profile for certificate verification
 Cmbedtls_x509_crt_verify_chainVerification chain as built by mbedtls_crt_verify_chain()
 Cmbedtls_x509_crt_verify_chain_itemItem in a verification chain: cert and flags for it
 Cmbedtls_x509_csrCertificate Signing Request (CSR) structure
 Cmbedtls_x509_san_other_nameFrom RFC 5280 section OtherName ::= SEQUENCE { type-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id }
 Cmbedtls_x509_subject_alternative_nameA structure for holding the parsed Subject Alternative Name, according to type
 Cmbedtls_x509_timeContainer for date and time (precision in seconds)
 Cmbedtls_x509write_certContainer for writing a certificate (CRT)
 Cmbedtls_x509write_csrContainer for writing a CSR
 Cmbedtls_xtea_contextXTEA context structure
 Cmesh_mac_statistics_tMesh physical layer statistics
 Cmesh_nw_statistics_tMesh network statistics
 CMeshInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between mesh hardware
 CMIDIMessageA MIDI message container
 Cmodulation_params_tThe type describing the modulation parameters for every packet types
 CMsgHeaderIteratorAllows iteration through the list of message headers received in the control parameter of the socket_sendto_control / socket_recvfrom_control methods
 Cmx_bufStructure for an MX wifi buffer
 CNanostackEthernetInterfaceEthernet interface for Nanostack
 CNanostackEthernetPhyEthernet PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackLockGuardRAII style Nanostack mutex acquisition
 CNanostackMACPhyMAC PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPhyPHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPPPPhyPPP PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackRfPhyRadio PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNetworkInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between network devices
 CNetworkStackNetworkStack class
 Cnsapi_addrIP address structure for passing IP addresses by value
 Cnsapi_ip_mreqNsapi_ip_mreq structure
 Cnsapi_latency_reqNsapi_latency_req structure
 Cnsapi_msghdrHeader structure for control info
 Cnsapi_pktinfoNsapi_pktinfo structure
 Cnsapi_stackNsapi_stack structure
 Cnsapi_stack_apiNsapi_stack_api structure
 Cnsapi_stagger_reqNsapi_stagger_req structure
 Cnsapi_wifi_apNsapi_wifi_ap structure
 COnboardNetworkStackMbed OS API for onboard IP stack abstraction
 COSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over OSPI bus
 Cpacket_paramsThe type describing the packet parameters for every packet types
 Cpacket_status_tRepresents the packet status for every packet type
 Cppp_serviceThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an ppp device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CPPPInterfacePPPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an PPP-service
 Cpsa_drv_entropy_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to interface to an entropy source
 Cpsa_drv_se_aead_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement secure element Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_asymmetric_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement asymmetric cryptographic operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_cipher_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement cipher operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_context_tDriver context structure
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_derivation_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key derivation and agreement
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_management_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key management
 Cpsa_drv_se_mac_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to perform secure element MAC operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_tA structure containing pointers to all the entry points of a secure element driver
 Cpsa_key_slot_tThe data structure representing a key slot, containing key material and metadata for one key
 Cpsa_se_key_data_storage_tThe storage representation of a key whose data is in a secure element
 Cpsa_storage_info_tA container for metadata associated with a specific uid
 CQCBORStringAllocatorThis is a set of functions and pointer context (in object-oriented parlance, an "object") used to allocate memory for coalescing the segments of an indefinite length string into one
 CQCBORTagListInThis is used to tell the decoder about tags that it should record in uTagBits in QCBORItem beyond the built-in tags
 CQCBORTagListOutThis is for QCBORDecode_GetNextWithTags() to be able to return the full list of tags on an item
 Cqspi_commandQSPI command
 CQSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus
 Cradio_error_tRepresents the possible radio system error states
 Cradio_eventsReporting functions for upper layers
 Cradio_fsk_packet_handlerFSK packet handle
 Cradio_fsk_settingsFSK modem parameters
 Cradio_lora_packet_handlerLoRa packet Contains information about a LoRa packet
 Cradio_lora_settingsLoRa modem parameters
 Cradio_settingsGlobal radio settings
 Cradio_status_tStructure describing the radio status
 CReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read only GattCharacteristic
 CReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadWriteGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic
 Creset_reason_capabilities_tReset reason capabilities of the platform
 Crf_ctrlsStructure to hold RF controls for LoRa Radio
 Crx_counter_tRepresents the Rx internal counters values when GFSK or LoRa packet type is used
 Crx_message_uLora_mac_rx_message_by_type_t union
 CSafeBoolSafe conversion of objects in boolean context
 CSDBlockDeviceSDBlockDevice class
 Csector_info_tSector information structure
 Cserial_tAsynch serial HAL structure
 CServiceDiscoveryHost callback types needed by the service discovery procedure
 Cshared_data_tlv_entryShared data TLV entry header format
 Cshared_data_tlv_headerShared data TLV header
 CSingletonPtrUtility class for creating and using a singleton
 CSocketSocket interface
 CSocketAddressSocketAddress class
 CSocketStatsSocketStats class
 Cspi_capabilities_tDescribes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals
 Cspi_tAsynch SPI HAL structure
 CSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over SPI bus
 CSX1272_LoRaRadioRadio driver implementation for Semtech SX1272 plus variants
 CSX1276_LoRaRadioRadio driver implementation for Semtech SX1272 plus variants
 Ct_cose_crypto_hashThe context for use with the hash adaptation layer here
 Ct_cose_sign1_ctxThis is the context for creating a COSE_Sign1 structure
 CTCPSocketTCP socket connection
 CThreadInterfaceThread mesh network interface class
 Cticker_data_tTicker's data structure
 Cticker_event_queue_tTicker's event queue structure
 Cticker_event_sTicker's event structure
 Cticker_info_tInformation about the ticker implementation
 Cticker_interface_tTicker's interface structure - required API for a ticker
 Ctimer_event_tTimer object description
 CTLSSocketTLSSocket is a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers
 CTLSSocketWrapperTLSSocket is a wrapper around Socket for interacting with TLS servers
 CUDPSocketUDP socket implementation
 CUSBAudioUSBAudio example
 CUSBDeviceCore USB Device driver
 CUSBKeyboardUSBKeyboard example
 CUSBMouseUSBMouse example
 CUSBMouseKeyboardUSBMouseKeyboard example
 CUSBMSDUSBMSD class: generic class in order to use all kinds of blocks storage chip
 CUSBPhyEventsEvent handler for USBPhy
 CUSBSerialUSBSerial example
 Cuseful_bufThe non-const UsefulBuf typically used for some allocated memory that is to be filled in
 Cuseful_buf_cUsefulBufC and UsefulBuf are simple data structures to hold a pointer and length for a binary data
 Cuseful_out_bufUsefulOutBuf is a structure and functions (an object) that are good for serializing data into a buffer such as is often done with network protocols or data written to files
 CUUIDRepresentation of a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
 Cwatchdog_config_tWatchdog configuration
 Cwatchdog_features_tWatchdog features
 CWiFiAccessPointWiFiAccessPoint class
 CWiFiInterfaceCommon interface between Wi-Fi devices
 CWisunBorderRouterWi-SUN Border Router class
 CWisunInterfaceWi-SUN mesh network interface class
 CWriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CWriteOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write only GattCharacteristic
 Cws_br_infoStruct br_information Border router dynamic information
 Cws_br_radius_timingStruct ws_br_radius_timing_t is RADIUS timing configuration structure
 Cws_br_route_infoStruct br_route_info is parent child relation structure
 Cws_cca_threshold_tableStruct ws_cca_threshold_table Wi-SUN CCA threshold table information
 Cws_nbr_infoStruct ws_nbr_info_t Gives the neighbor information
 Cws_rpl_infoStruct ws_rpl_info Wi-SUN router RPL information
 Cws_stack_stateStruct ws_stack_state Wi-SUN stack information